155 Years Ago
Bad boys. It is the habit of the rising generation of Carson to “belt” or “paste” a Chinese person on sight. The youngsters seem to have had considerable practice at base balling and have got their muscle up and feel like lamming somebody — just for the fun of it you know; so, they pick out some poor celestial. Its thing cannot be tolerated by our city authorities.
140 Years Ago
Yesterday morning at 9 o’clock. Mrs. Aaron D. Treadway died at the Treadway Ranch. She had been slightly ailing for several days but her sickness was not supposed to be serious until a few hours before her death. She was 75 years of age and a sprightly, active woman, very quick and bright mentally and well educated. Her funeral will be tomorrow at the Episcopal Church.
120 Years Ago
Washoe Lake is frozen for a considerable distance from the shores and the skating is reported as being good.
70 Years Ago
A criminal complaint charging Charles T. Built with escape from prison has been signed by warden A.E. Bernard in justice court. Built, who was sentenced to prison for a five-to-10-year term for robbery from Churchill County Nov. 24, 1949, is charged with having escaped from the state prison here Dec. 23, 1950. He was picked up recently in Washington.
60 Years Ago
A routine day at the office was planned by Gov. Grant Sawyer’s on his 46th birthday today. Sawyer, chairman of the national governor’s conference was 39 when first elected governor and 40 when he took office for his first term. He was Nevada’s youngest governor in 40 years.
155 Years Ago
John C. James arrived by yesterday’s stage direct from Warm Springs, where he has been confined for the last few months as assistant warden. James is a somewhat noted character aside from his service at the prison. In 1857, when Nevada was still a part of the Utah territory, he represented Carson County in the legislature at Salt Lake City and was the only gentile member of that august body. (continued tomorrow)
140 Years Ago
E.H. Mangas, better known as the “Typographical Terror,” had his arm broken recently in a Virginia City, while scuffling. This will not, however, prevent him from wandering about the country the same as ever.
120 Years Ago
Jerry Pollock, a well-known resident of Tuscarora, is under arrest for cashing several stolen checks that he found several weeks ago. The Todd safe was burglarized during November and considerable money and a number of checks were stolen.
70 Years Ago
A rash of vandalism confronted Carson City police over the weekend. Saturday night someone kicked out two windows at the state office building, tore up a section of the capital grounds fence, and knocked over a parking meter standard. Police said this morning that they had information as to who was responsible for the destruction but would not release any information until the parties reportedly from out of town had been contacted.
60 Years Ago
W. Howard Winn, general manager of Kennecott Copper Corporation in Nevada, said today plants at McGill and Ruth have begun seven-day operations. He expected the increased working hours to yield 5,199 additional tons of copper within a year.
155 Years Ago
(James, continued from yesterday) The other members were Mormon Elders. He had to travel 610 miles to reach the capital of the territory, and two companies of U.S. Calvary were required to escort him on this perilous journey. The whole number of votes cast, 13; of which James received eight against five for his opponent “Self-Rising Bill.” (continued tomorrow)
140 Years Ago
People who claim to be well informed on the subject say that there are no in Carson City over 30 men who are addicted irrevocably to the opium habit. The vice has been slowly spreading here for the past 10 years, and no many of the confirmed “fiends” can be noticed on the street. They are fast going to the dogs, and don't seem at all bothered about the frightful pace which they are traveling. Many young boys have been drawn into the meshes of the Chinese opium dens and ruined lives stare them in the face.
120 Years Ago
The present freight blockade between Tonopah and Goldfield will be relieved in part, if not entirely, by the advent of W. Rank, an Oregon freighter, who proposes to start 2014 mule teams regularly between Tonopah and Goldfield.
70 Years Ago
Officials of the state highway department have disclosed plans to erect $2.250 million worth of new buildings in Carson City and Sparks. Assistant highway engineer W.T. Holcomb told the state planning board last weekend the department wants to erect a $1.150 million headquarters building in Carson City.
60 Years Ago
Carson High School’s award-winning band received its highest accolade last night when Gov. Grant Sawyer revealed that he picked it to represent the state of Nevada and march in the Presidential Inaugural Parade in Washington, D.C. on Jan. 20, 1965.
Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.