Amateur radio antenna returns to Carson Planning Commission

Map from Carson City showing the location of a proposed 62-foot-tall amateur radio antenna.

Map from Carson City showing the location of a proposed 62-foot-tall amateur radio antenna.

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Due to the holidays, the Carson City Planning Commission is meeting early this month: 2 p.m. Tuesday in the community center boardroom.

Planning commissioners will mull a special use permit (SUP) for the proposed construction of a 62-foot-tall amateur radio antenna on property zoned single-family 1 acre at 1630 S. Deer Run Road.

“Michael Vicari (applicant) is proposing the construction of an amateur radio antenna structure. The proposed structure is considered an accessory structure and therefore is subject to compliance with the 32-foot height limitations of the SF1A zoning district, unless a special use permit is obtained to exceed the height limitations,” according to the agenda.

On Aug. 28, planning commissioners unanimously remanded an appeal of the Carson City Community Development director’s denial of a building permit for the structure back to the director for further review.

Vicari had appealed the building permit denial May 8 and then submitted additional information on effective radio communications, an area of use regulated by the federal government and over which local jurisdictions have limited control.

According to the SUP application, in the retracted position, the antenna structure is only 30 feet tall.

“Additionally, and in conjunction with the Military Auxiliary Radio System (MARS), this antenna support structure will help provide emergency communications in event of disaster,” reads the application. “Therefore, this retractable antenna support structure is not intended for business or commercial use, and is necessary such to provide vastly improve communications as compared to low-level ground mounted systems. Applicant is licensed by the Federal Communications Commission.”

A staff report alludes to federal code prohibiting state and local governments from regulating such structures in a way that would preclude amateur service communications.

“Upon review of the information provided by Mr. Hopengarten (applicant representative), the propagation maps and report provided with the new information support the need for a 62-foot-tall amateur radio antenna to achieve reasonably effective communications,” reads the staff report.

On Dec. 6, public notices of the project were mailed to 36 property owners within 600 feet of the subject site, and no written comments were received as of the writing of the staff report, according to the city.

In other action:

• Planning commissioners will make a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors concerning a request for an amendment to the tentative subdivision map conditions of approval for Blackstone Ranch South.

The property, zoned single-family 6,000, is located east of the end of Railroad Drive within the Blackstone Ranch South Specific Plan Area. The tentative map was approved by supervisors in 2019 and included 103 residential lots, according to the city.

“D.R. Horton Inc.-NNV (applicant) is requesting changes to condition Nos. 13 and 20 which will allow for bonding of required infrastructure improvements prior to the recording of the final map,” reads the agenda. “Based on the applicant’s request, staff is also recommending changes to the conditions of approval, including but not limited to condition Nos. 17 and 43, to clarify the timing for roadway improvements for the Railroad Drive extension from the subject property to East 5th Street as they relate to a) construction traffic and b) right of way completion to accommodate traffic generated by the residences.”

• Planning commissioners will review a request for a one-year time extension to Jan. 25, 2026, for a special use permit for a multifamily residential development on retail commercial property in the Silver Oak Planned Unit Development, at the southeast corner of Silver Oak Drive and GS Richards Boulevard in north Carson.

“Alta Consulting Ltd. (applicant) is requesting a time extension noting that current market conditions and finance trends have delayed their project, however the applicant has noted that the site improvement and building plans are ready to be submitted for permitting,” according to the agenda. “Per Carson City Municipal Code (CCMC) 18.02.080, the Planning Commission may approve a time extension subject to the consideration of the continued appropriateness of the SUP.”

The SUP for the 178-unit project was first approved in 2023 and extended once by the Community Development director, according to the city.

• Planning commissioners will also make a recommendation to supervisors regarding the annual Master Plan report.

“Nevada Revised Statutes 278.190 requires the Planning Commission to annually make recommendations to the board regarding the implementation of the Master Plan. Staff will provide the Planning Commission with information regarding past, current and future Master Plan implementation actions for the commission’s consideration,” reads the agenda.