APN: 002-471-01 TS No.: 24-027051 TSG Number: 240393226 FHA/VA/PMI No: 331- 1632779-703 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED 01/25/2014. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On 01/16/2025 at 02:00 P.M., America West Lender Services, LLC, as duly appointed Trustee under and pursuant to Deed of Trust recorded 02/10/2014, as Instrument No. 442208, in book, page, of Official Records in the office of the County Recorder of CARSON CITY County, State of Nevada. Executed by: OTIE DAVIS JR. AND SUSAN A. DAVIS HUSBAND AND WIFE, TENANTS BY THE ENTIRETY WITH RIGHTS OF SURVIVORSHIP WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH, CASHIER’S CHECK/CASH EQUIVALENT or other form of payment authorized, (Payable at time of sale in lawful money of the United States) At the front entrance to the County Courthouse, 885 East Musser, Carson City, NV 89701 All right, title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property situated in said County and State described as: AS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN THE ABOVE MENTIONED DEED OF TRUST APN# 002-471-01 The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 3700 NORTHGATE LANE, CARSON CITY, NV 89706 SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN FOR ALL PURPOSES. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said note(s), advances, if any, under the terms of said Deed of Trust, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligation secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is $ 190,133.71. The beneficiary under said Deed of Trust heretofore executed and delivered to the undersigned a written Declaration of Default and Demand for Sale, and a written Notice of Default and Election to Sell. The undersigned caused said Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be recorded in the County where the real property is located. THIS PROPERTY IS SOLD AS-IS, THE LENDER AND ITS ASSETS ARE UNABLE TO VALIDATE THE CONDITION, DEFECTS OR DISCLOSURE ISSUES OF SAID PROPERTY AND BUYER WAIVES THE DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENT UNDER NRS 113.130 BY PURCHASING THIS SALE AND SIGNING SAID RECEIPT. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. Date: America West Lender Services, LLC P.O. Box 23028 Tampa, FL 33623 Fax Only: 877-317- 0475 FOR TRUSTEE’S SALE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL 1-866-539-4173 EXHIBIT A TS No: 24-027051 TSG Number: 240393226 LOT 1 IN BLOCK A AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF LAHONTAN SUBDIVISION UNIT NO. 1, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF CARSON CITY, NEVADA, ON SEPTEMBER 24, 1979. BY CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT RECORDED IN BOOK 288 PAGE 320 OFFICIAL RECORDS OF CARSON CITY NEVADA, SAID SUBDIVISION IS NOW KNOWN AS “COTTONWOOD MEADOWS”. NPP0469075 To: NEVADA APPEAL 12/25/2024, 01/01/2025, 01/08/2025
Pub Date: December 25, 2024 &
January 1, 8, 2025
Ad # 48930