Past Pages for Dec. 28-Dec. 31, 2024

Photo provided Tallac pier is advertised in this undated historical photo.

Photo provided Tallac pier is advertised in this undated historical photo.

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155 Years Ago

Pay your taxes. The Delinquent Tax List, for 1867, 1868 and 1869 are now in the hands of the District Attorney of this county, who will make trouble, unless delinquents pay up in a very limited period. “A word to the wise is sufficient.”

140 Years Ago

The citizens of Paradise have offered a $650 reward for the capture of Clarence Grey for the murder of Scott and have petitioned Gov. Adams to add $1,000 to it.

120 Years Ago

C. Quinlan, a laborer at Derby was robbed and murdered at that place Monday evening and his body was found lying at the side of the railroad tracks a few yards from the Ark Saloon by Thomas Holmes, a track walker. The remains were taken in charge by Coroner Updike. A Coroner’s jury decided that Quinlan had been murdered by persons unknown. — Journal

60 Years Ago

The traffic death toll pushed upward steadily Saturday, tending to uphold the tradition that Christmas is the worst of all holidays on the streets and highways. The count was at 382 fatalities for this season.

40 Years Ago

Continued cuts in federal payments for health care could eventually bring a reduction in the quality of care, two local experts say. President Regan confirmed Thursday his administration is eyeing a freeze on Medicare payments as part of its effort to reduce the federal budget deficit.


155 Years Ago

Virginia City — earthquake: There were many heavy and alarming earthquake shocks with persons remaining in the streets all night while those who stayed in their dwellings were unable to sleep. They were dressed and prepared for a rush in case of a heavy shock. At Steamboat Springs there seems to have been more severe earthquakes than any other place. Jets of water, 15 or 20 in number and those of great volume were thrown up to 20 feet. The house at the Springs is a perfect wreck, but still standing. At the foot of Geiger Grade, everything was demolished in Wright’s bar, and people were thrown to the ground while the valley seemed to fall in waves like waters of a lake.

140 Years Ago

The girls ahead: Great skating at the rink northeast of town — on Christmas Day nearly a hundred people enjoyed it. Gentlemen are charged 50 cents and ladies are free. A young man took his girl out to have a moonlight glide and fell into an air hole and got his clothes wet.

His girlfriend pulled him up, and when he stood up, his pants were frozen to the ice.

130 Years Ago

Not dead: Old Yank writes the Appeal that he is not dead. When the doctor went up the other day, Old Yank met him at the wharf and said Yank was good for another 20 years.

70 Years Ago

New construction/Nevada prison: Eleven major construction projects were completed during 1954 at the state prison and prison farm as reported by A.E. Bernard, Warden. Projects ranged from a potato cellar to five, two-bedroom homes for prison guards and their families.

60 Years Ago

Snow: Old Man Winter left a 100-inch snow on the summit. The last portion of Interstate 80 between Nevada and Sacramento over the Donner Summit was hailed as a transportation-milestone when it opened in the fall. In the winter the four-lane highway was closed for more than 20 hours with heavy snow.



155 Years Ago

Advices from Aurora: A brilliant meteor was seen in Aurora. It started in the southwest and did not appear to be more than a mile long. It took an upward course at a direct angle, leaving a trail of about 12 feet.

R. McDonald left from Aurora on foot for Bodie 12 miles from here. When he arrived there in the evening, both feet were badly frozen.

140 Years Ago

In brief: The mills on the Carson River are laid up during the cold spell. The plumbers are reaping a bundle on busted water pipes.

Sleighing is good in Virginia City. Tariff on sleighs is $10 an hour, and you bring your own horse.

130 Years Ago

Social gossip: Mr. Ernest Folsom and Miss Florence Meder selected Christmas Eve for their nuptials, and the occasion was celebrated by a large and brilliant gathering.

The Christmas tree and entertainment given by the ladies of the Presbyterian Church was one of the best amateur entertainments. The tennis drill given by 16 young ladies under the management of John Meder and Miss Annie Martin was successful.

The children of the Orphans Home had a Christmas tree. Nearly 60 children sat at their little desks and gazed at the tree with open mouths, and dancing eyes. There were dollies and books and horses and jumping jaw candy and nuts, and all the bright pretty and useful things that make children happy. ‘Tis said that no state in the union is as kind and generous to its orphans, it’s insane and its convicts as Nevada.

70 Years Ago

Statehood bills: A bill calling for the admission of Hawaii as the 49th state of the union will be introduced on the opening day of the new congress. Mrs. Joseph R. Farrington, Republican delegate from Hawaii, will touch off a new light over the admission of Hawaii and also of Alaska.

60 Years Ago

Advertisement: “Carson Theater — Now showing: ‘The Fall of the Roman Empire’ with Sophia Loren, Stephen Boyd and Alex Guinness.”



155 Years Ago

All sorts: Another earthquake occurred with a shock sufficiently severe to awaken many and send the occupants of brick buildings out into the streets.

The Ball: The Citizens’ Ball to be held this evening at the Carson Theater Hall bids farewell to the finest affairs of the kind. The bountiful preparation and the occasion will call out the lovers of dance in full force. Supper will be provided by P. Cavanaugh & Sons. We are informed that Carl York from Virginia (City) will aid with his bugle.

140 Years Ago

In brief: A large water pipe in the upper rooms of the Mint burst and flooded the second floor to the depth of three inches. A large force of workman were requested during the water break.

130 Years Ago

Entertainment: The ladies of the Methodist Church gave their entertainment at the Odd Fellows Hall, a full house greeted them, and all were well pleased with the manner in which the young children rendered their part of the Cantata.

The Myosotis Tennis Club gave a pleasant and cheerful party at the Odd Fellows’ new hall. Besides dancing, singing and eating, games were played.

There was an opportunity for sleigh riding. Judging by the continual jingle of sleigh bells, everyone thoroughly enjoyed it.

70 Years Ago

Advertisement: “Carson Theater — ‘Seven Brides for Seven Brothers,’ with Jane Powell and Howard Keel. One of MGMs top musical comedies. We guarantee this one.”

60 Years Ago

Railroads blocked: Rail routes over the Sierra were blocked due to slides and washouts. Heavy rain in the Sierra blocked the SP Overland route. The Western Pacific was closed near Beldon and the Southern Pacific’s Shasta Line into Oregon was blocked in Oregon’s high Cascade mountains.

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.