A graph provided by Carson City showing property tax rates – per $100 of assessed valuation – since 2016.
The Carson City Board of Supervisors will be asked to keep the city’s property tax rate the same as previous years at their meeting Thursday, which starts at 8:30 a.m. in the community center.
The city’s finance department is recommending the rate remain at $3.57 per $100 of assessed valuation as it begins building the budget for fiscal year 2025, which starts July 1.
Carson has a lower rate than surrounding counties, according to the city. Washoe, Lyon and Douglas counties currently have rates of $3.66 per $100 of assessed valuation.
“The city's governing body, the Board of Supervisors, is required to approve a property tax rate to be levied for FY (fiscal year) 2025,” reads a staff summary. “The Department of Taxation requires all local governments to inform them of the rate they intend to use by Feb. 21, 2024.”
Besides approving the rate, supervisors will review budget projections for the new fiscal year. According to the finance department, property tax revenue for the general fund is expected to increase 5 percent, from an estimated $32.7 million in the current fiscal year to about $34.3 million in fiscal year 2025.
Consolidated taxes, which includes sales tax revenue for the general fund, are expected to grow as well. The city projects an increase of 2 percent, from an estimated $42.5 million in the current fiscal year to about $43.4 million in the new fiscal year.
A tentative 2025 budget will be presented to supervisors April 18. Adoption of the final budget is scheduled for a special board meeting May 21. The city’s budget must be sent to the state by June 1.
In other action:
• Supervisors will consider a request from the Carson City Treasurer’s Office to waive $111,795 in fines and late fees from unpaid parking tickets dating from fiscal year 2010 to fiscal year 2023.
“During a recent review of the outstanding balance owed to Carson City for parking citations issued by the Code Enforcement Division, the staff of the Carson City Treasurer’s Office has identified $111,795.00 as being uncollectable or too cost and time prohibitive to collect,” reads a staff report.
According to a Feb. 2 letter by Treasurer Andrew Rasor, the Carson City Sheriff’s Office and the city’s Code Enforcement Division issue parking tickets, though the latter issues most of them.
“While the Carson City Treasurer’s Office does not issue parking citations or conduct any hearings to make findings of alleged parking violations listed under CCMC Chapter 10, it does have the current responsibility of keeping track of all outstanding fees and penalties owed to Carson City for parking citations issued by the Code Enforcement Division,” Rasor wrote. “In addition, the Carson City Treasurer’s Office also has the current responsibility of issuing the ‘Twenty Day Notice of Violation’ as defined in CCMC 10.24.385 and the ‘Final Notice of Violation’ as listed in CCMC 10.24.390.”
Rasor said his office has problems collecting unpaid tickets due to issues like changes in vehicle ownership or registration.
“Because of this, the return on investment in CCTO staff salary and time needed to research and identify updated contact information for both previous and current registered owners of vehicles issued a parking citation may no longer prove cost effective or beneficial,” he wrote.
Supervisors will also determine whether the city should use a debt collection agency for unpaid parking tickets. Rasor pointed out parking tickets themselves say the city “will” use a collection agency, while current code says the city “may.”
“Moreover, I believe that the various offices of Carson City government involved with parking citation issuance and fee collection should be unified in their acceptance and approach as it relates to the use of a debt collection agency, and I believe that a decision issued by the Carson City Board of Supervisors will provide this unified approach,” Rasor wrote.
• Supervisors will consider the second reading of an ordinance amending city code to allow child care facilities in the residential office (RO) zoning district.
If approved and adopted on second reading, a child care facility would become a conditional use (requiring a special use permit) whether based in a home or office building.
The Boys and Girls Club of Western Nevada initiated the ordinance change in order establish a day care on Mountain Street in a former office building.
Supervisors unanimously approved the first reading of the ordinance in January.
• Supervisors will hear a presentation from Maurice Page, executive director of the Nevada Housing Coalition, a nonprofit.
“The NV Housing Coalition is presenting to all local jurisdictions as the affordability of housing is top of mind throughout Nevada,” reads a staff report. “NV Housing Coalition will be advocating and addressing housing solutions in the next legislative session and needs to hear from the leadership throughout the state as the legislative platform is finalized.”
Presentation materials can be viewed online at https://legistarweb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/attachment/pdf/2433507/2024_NHC_Overview_Presentation_-_Northern_NV_Data.pdf.