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You are hereby notified that the item(s) listed below will be considered by the Carson City 

Administrative Hearing Examiner on Wednesday, FEBRUARY 28, 2024, 1:30 PM in 

Conference Room “A” of the Carson City Community Development office, 108 E. Proctor Street, Carson City, Nevada. 

LU-2024-0009: For Possible Action: Discussion and possible action regarding an 

Administrative Permit to allow for the construction of an accessory structure with a 

cumulative square footage totaling 66.22 percent of the size of the primary structure on property zoned Single Family 1 Acre (“SF1A”) located at 4028 Via Grant Drive, Assessor’s Parcel Number (“APN”) 007-501-03. (Lena Reseck, 

Summary: The application from Maddison Banfield (“Applicant”) is proposing construction of a 2,445 square foot garage and guest house. A garage and guest house are permitted accessory uses in the Single Family 1 Acre zoning district; however, Carson City Municipal Code (“CCMC”) 18.05.055 requires approval of an Administrative Permit if the cumulative square footage of the accessory structure(s) on-site are more than 50 percent, but less than 75 percent of the square footage of the primary structure. The guest house is 968 square feet which complies with the maximum size requirement of Carson City Development Standards Division 1.4.4, Guest Building Development. 

If you have questions related to the application(s), contact the Planning Division of 

the Carson City Community Development Department at (775) 887-2180 or

Pub Date: February 17, 2024 

Ad # 40888


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