Carson City legal - 40861

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On February 1, 2024, Nevada Power Company d/b/a NV Energy

(“NPC”) and Sierra Pacific Power Company d/b/a NV Energy (“SPPC”)

(collectively, “NV Energy”) filed with the Public Utilities Commission of

Nevada (“Commission”) a Joint Application, designated as Docket No.

24-02001, for approval of annual plans for the Solar Energy Systems

Incentive Program and its Energy Storage component, the Lower Income

Solar Energy Program, the Wind Energy Systems Demonstration

Program, the Waterpower Energy Systems Demonstration Program, and

the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstration Program for Program

Year 2024-2025 (the “Annual Plan”).

This Notice serves only to notify the public that the Commission has

received the above-referenced filing. It is the responsibility of interested

persons to review the filing and monitor the proceedings to determine

their desired levels of involvement based on how this matter may affect

their unique situations. The details provided within this Notice are for

informational purposes only and are not meant to be an all-inclusive

overview of the filing. The Commission will review and approve each

annual plan with such modifications and upon such terms and conditions

as the Commission finds necessary or appropriate to facilitate the


NV Energy filed the Joint Application pursuant to the Nevada Revised

Statutes (“NRS”) and the Nevada Administrative Code (“NAC”) Chapters

701B, 703, and 704, including, but not limited to NRS 701B.005,

701B.230, 701B.610, 701B.670, and 701B.850; NAC 701B.130,

701B.485, and 701B.665; and sections 9 and 24 of the Legislative

Counsel Bureau File No. R022-18 regulation.

NV Energy states that the Joint Application seeks approval of the

Annual Plan which consists of a combined plan for the programs

referenced above. NV Energy specifically requests that the Commission,

for the Program Period 2024-2025, approve (1) the Annual Plan and the

administrative budget as set forth in the Annual Plan; and (2) accept the

results of the 2022-2023 program year and aggregated results for the

2023 calendar year as reported.

Interested and affected persons may file comments or petitions for

leave to intervene pursuant to NAC 703.578 through 703.600 on or

before WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 2024.

A person who wishes to participate as a commenter may file written

comments pursuant to NAC 703.491. A commenter is not a party of

record and shall not take any action that only a party of record may take.

Pursuant to NAC 703.500, only parties of record are entitled to enter an

appearance, introduce relevant evidence, examine and cross-examine

witnesses, make arguments, make and argue motions and generally

participate in the proceeding.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to NAC 703.655, the

Commission has scheduled a PREHEARING CONFERENCE in this

docket to be held as follows:


11:00 A.M.

Hearing Room A

Public Utilities Commission of Nevada

9075 West Diablo Drive, Suite 250

Las Vegas, Nevada 89148


Hearing Room A

Public Utilities Commission of Nevada

1150 East William Street

Carson City, Nevada 89701


The parties will appear and otherwise participate in the prehearing

conference in-person and/or remotely via Microsoft Teams. As a

courtesy, members of the public can access the prehearing at the time

noticed herein via the Commission’s live stream link on its website at

The parties should provide the email address, title/role in associated

business or organization, and business address for each person who

intends to participate in the prehearing conference in-person or via

Microsoft Teams to Administrative Attorney Yusuf Parray at no later than WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 2024, at

2:00 p.m.

The purpose of the prehearing conference is to formulate and simplify

issues involved in this proceeding and set a hearing and procedural

schedule. At the prehearing conference, the Commission may take any

action authorized by NAC 703.655.

The Commission is not responsible for providing clerical or

administrative assistance or materials to parties during Commission

proceedings. If such assistance is necessary, parties must make other

arrangements for this type of assistance.

The Joint Application is available for public viewing at the

Commission’s website:; and at the offices of the

Commission: 1150 East William Street, Carson City, Nevada 89701 and

9075 West Diablo Drive, Suite 250, Las Vegas, Nevada 89148.

By the Commission,



Assistant Commission Secretary

Dated: Carson City, Nevada



Pub Date: February 21, 2024 Ad # 40861


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