Carson High Spotlight: Lucas Wold

Lucas Wold.

Lucas Wold.

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Lucas Wold is an exceptional student, and Carson High School is honored to highlight him as this week’s Senior in the Spotlight. Lucas is a two-sport athlete competing in football and wrestling while also being a great student in the classroom. Wold is set to graduate this June with a weighted grade point average of 3.52, taking five Honors classes along the way.

Lucas is the true embodiment of what it means to bleed Senator pride. Whether he's grappling with an opponent or sprinting to defend his team's goal line, Wold brings the same dedication and grit to everything he does. As a four-year letterman and team captain on the wrestling team, he helped Carson High win 19 wrestling duels throughout the season. But it’s not all about athletics for Lucas. He is also a standout student, putting in the work to maintain impressive grades while juggling the demands of his sports commitments. No matter the sport or class, his work ethic is respected amongst his coaches and teachers. Wold is known for his calm demeanor, care for others and authentically reflective nature.

Recently, he capped off his high school wrestling career by clinching second place at the 5A Wrestling Regional Championship. It’s a testament to his skill and determination, and it’s clear that he’s left an indelible mark on his Carson High legacy.

Looking forward, Wold has big plans to continue his education at a university, possibly even hitting the mats for a collegiate wrestling career. Whatever path he chooses, there’s no doubt that Wold will carry the spirit of Senator pride with him, inspiring others to dream big and never back down from a challenge.

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