The Fallon City Council moved some reconstruction projects at the municipal airport a step forward with the approval of a professional services contract.
Sara Dowling | NNG
The Fallon City Council approved at its Dec. 19 meeting a professional services contract relating to the Fallon Municipal Airport and appointed two city representatives for the Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems.
A professional services contract was awarded to J-U-B Engineers, Inc. for bidding and construction services related to a reconstruction project at the Fallon Municipal Airport. The project now goes up for approval by the Federal Aviation Administration.
Included are reconstruction of the entry road, the taxilane running parallel to the main apron, five taxilanes in the hangar area northeast of the main GA apron and taxiway G, as well as a regrading of and stabilization around runway 3-21 to improve erosion control.
Although this project was identified as the highest priority for the airport in the city’s annual Airports Capital Improvement Plan, no bids were received when the city posted the notice in June. Public Works Director Brian Byrd said by putting the project out early in 2024 he is hopeful that it will reach some contractors before their schedules fill for the coming year.
Byrd also said for the first time in his city career the Nevada Fund for Aviation has enough money available to fund this project. The fund helps rural counties meet local match requirements for Airport Improvement Program (AIP) grants awarded by the FAA. AIP grants are awarded to airports to maintain and improve airport facilities and infrastructure.
If approved, the contract cost of $284,350 would initially be split between the City of Fallon at $17,771.88 and the FAA at $266,578.12. Byrd, however, told the council that the city should not be out any money for this project. The FAA portion would be reimbursed in the spring once a grant is received for construction costs.
The council also approved the appointment of Deputy City Attorney Sean Rowe as the city’s representative to the Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems. Deputy City Attorney Trent deBraga was reapproved for another term as the alternate representative.
The city participates in UAMPS to purchase, schedule and deliver electrical power to the city.