Past Pages for Jan. 31 to Feb. 2, 2024

North Carson Street looking northeast in the 1950s.

North Carson Street looking northeast in the 1950s.

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150 Years Ago

Some thoughtful planks, rather inartistically deposited, relieve the somewhat monotonous character of the mud stream which stretches its oozy waste between Rail’s Corner and the Ormsby House.

140 Years Ago

Snowballing. The boys find the present snow something just after their own hearts. It is moist, packs hard and when a “soaker” is flattened out against a man’s ear he knows at once what has hit him. A man who walks down the street must expect to get snowballed. Even editors and policemen are not exempt.

120 Years Ago

Several Carsonites are looking wise and exhibiting pieces of coal that was found within a few miles of this city. The find was made several days ago, and the claims have been recorded. The vein is four feet wide and little, or no work has been performed on it.

60 Years Ago

It appears likely the City of Carson will finally sell bonds for the 1961 street improvement district.

40 Years Ago

District Judge Mike Fondi has turned down a defense request to gain information from the state prison about an alleged plot to kill Warden George Sumner.


150 Years Ago

Mr. Representative Kendall has sent us a copy of his bill to provide for the erection of a public building in Carson City — a measure which in justice to the government itself should become a law, without delay.

140 Years Ago

The first ore. The Walker Lake Bulletin says: Last Wednesday the ore teams hauled their first load from the Mount Cory mine to the reduction works. As they passed through McKenzieville the inhabitants turned out, fired salutes and celebrated in good Fourth of July style.

120 Years Ago

Chief Justice Belknap of the Supreme Court of Nevada has issued a writ indefinitely delaying the date for the four hangings at the state penitentiary. The men whose lives are thus indefinitely prolonged are Gorman, Sevner, Williams and Roberts. The men robbed Patrick Welch on top of a freight train one night. He was not killed instantly and as they pushed him off his fingers caught the edge of the car roof. One of the murderers kicked him off and he was shot again. Before dying Welch identified the four men.

60 Years Ago

Carson City High School’s Senators face a crucial test tonight when the local basketball team meets tough Wooster High School from Reno. Coach Dave McDonald’s blue and white clad squad squares off against the Colts in the Carson City High School gymnasium at 8 p.m.

40 Years Ago

Contributions from organizations such as the American Association of Retired Persons, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and Rebekahs and the Nevada Appeal employees Christmas fair food booth have helped boost the Dylan Wiggins fund past the halfway point. Since Jan. 1, $5,592 has been contributed to the fund to help leukemia victim Dylan Wiggins and his family.


150 Years Ago

What more natural, now-a-days, when the clouds are in chronic drizzle than to long for a change. And what better day for a pilgrimage to Empire than Sunday?

140 Years Ago

Preparations for the Return Leap Year party at the Opera House on Saturday night are now about complete.

120 Years Ago

The decision of the members of Company A to disband leaves Emmet Guard the only military company in the state. During boom days of the Comstock there were seven military companies in this city and Gold Hill; National Guard, Emmet Guard, Montgomery Guard; Tigers, Sarsfield; Washington and Battery A. All were in the parade column with full ranks on July 4, 1876. At one time with the continentals and visiting companies there were over 1,000 men under arms.

60 Years Ago

Top elected officials in the Nevada Legislature today took the people’s business behind locked doors. Lt. Gov. Paul Laxalt and other top legislators met in secret in an attempt to find a compromise for the deadlocked emergency school aid issue.

40 Years Ago

Photo caption: Actor-comedian Gabe Kaplan won the $5,000 buy-in, ace-to-five lo-ball draw tournament Thursday in the Super Bowl of Poker at the High Sierra.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006. 


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