Past Pages for July 3 to 5, 2024

Carson-Tahoe Hospital's first campus in 1955. A fire in 1968 destroyed the building, and the infirmary at Stewart was called into play. Construc tion for this building in 1949 topped out at $80,000.

Carson-Tahoe Hospital's first campus in 1955. A fire in 1968 destroyed the building, and the infirmary at Stewart was called into play. Construc tion for this building in 1949 topped out at $80,000.

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150 Years Ago

The county fathers have caused the ditch opposite our office to be cleaned out and deepened. Can’t keep our sewers and gutters too cleanly these hot days.

140 Years Ago

Nevada’s future. It is fast becoming the cattle state of the coast. If those who are setting with folded hands and deploring the decay of the mining industry would look about them and see what is being done in agricultural and cattle raising, they would have every reason to stop croaking.

120 Years Ago

At noon today the Carnival will be a thing of the present and crowds will greet the ringing of bells, the tooting of whistles and the firing of salutes.

50 Years Ago

Assemblyman Lawrence E. (Jake) Jacobsen, R-Carson City-Douglas County filed for his seventh term in office. Jacobsen chose his 57th birthday for his filing date.

40 Years Ago

Nevada Supreme Court Chief Justice Noel Manoukian, facing the toughest battle of his life, formally announced his bid for re-election today.


150 Years Ago

We prophecy that our celebration will be the neatest and best-appointed thing of the kind in the state. Carson always does surpass all her neighbors, and the rest of mankind. We are requested to ask all who propose to participate in the procession to be on hand early. Our men will be there, in uniform; the grand army men will stand in; civic societies will be represented; the air of state will be the finest ever witnessed.

140 Years Ago

After all the biggest celebration of the Fourth in the state will be at Glenbrook.

120 Years Ago

The Vitagraph played to a packed house both times last evening and the program that they are presenting is of the best and is worth double the price of admission. Dong forget the Vitagraph when you are taking your friends around to see the sights.

50 Years Ago

Photo caption: Seventeen-year-old Karen Petterson gets into the Fourth of July mood with a banner to remind folks to fly the American Flag and a giant firecracker to remind everyone that fireworks are illegal just about any place you can name in Nevada.

40 Years Ago

The Supreme Court, in a ruling that could throned the male-only status of some organizations, said today states may force the Jaycees to admit women as full members.


150 Years Ago

An ugly fall was that experienced yesterday by a drunken man who was racing his horse through Carson Street at a break-neck pace, when suddenly the saddle-girth broke and down he went, causing the horse to fall upon him and leaving him, senseless, with is face in the dust of the street. We thought more than ever astonished at the luck which attends on tipsy horsemen, but the old man will be pretty sore to-day.

140 Years Ago

The holiday. Although Carson had anticipated very little on Fourth of July. Cap. Avery, of course was the instigator of most of the hilarity with his ox-roast and housewarming, and he made Rome howl in his precinct. His display of fireworks at night was all he advertised and attracted a big crowd.

120 Years Ago

There was no hitch in the way Carson entertained her visitors on the Fourth. She had the glad right hand outstretched all day and all night and showed what the Capitol City could do when it arose to the occasion. The parade was headed by the governor mounted on a coal black charger and all his staff were similarly mounted. When it comes to a striking figure on horseback, Gov. Sparks absolutely lays over everybody. One can see his skill as a horseman comes from the south.

50 Years Ago

Thelma Davis Calhoun, local artist and former city councilwoman, late Tuesday filed for a seat on the board of supervisors representing Ward 3.

40 Years Ago

Although it may appear there’s nothing left to burn after the devastation of the 17,000-acre Indian Fire, incident commander Bob Webber predicts he’ll be back again in Douglas county before September.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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