Past Pages for July 6 to 9, 2024

North Carson Street looking northeast in the 1950s.

North Carson Street looking northeast in the 1950s.

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150 Years Ago

Artillery. The artillery, a 12-pound howitzer, will be under the care of M. O’Hare, a careful and competent artillery man if several years’ experience in that arm of the service in the Union Army. O’Hare will be assisted by men of his own selection, who will be under his orders for the day. One underdog rounds of ammunition have been prepared and some good firing may be expected.

140 Years Ago

Gilmore’s Springs. For several years past tourists who had the time, ambition and muscle have wended their way around the base of Mt. Tallac, and south out Gilmore’s Springs. The toiles of the trip over an almost inaccessible road were amply compensated by the waters of the spring, which are as invigorating and delicious as the best champagne.

120 Years Ago

Last night Queen Jess, after a successful reign, yielded the scepter to King Carnival and he at once took possession of the town and issued his royal proclamation to his subjects.

50 Years Ago

Going straight to the top with complaints has worked for Carson City and the supervisors hope it may work again. Some months ago, the city’s staff reported it had found no satisfaction in trying to alleviate the traffic jam which results several times a day in the post office. City Manager Henry Etchemendy finally sent a letter to Nevada’s congressmen complaining about lack of action. There has been lots of response.

40 Years Ago

Sierra Pacific Power Co. was given approval Monday to enter into a 10-year agreement to develop geothermal energy in Nevada.


150 Years Ago

“Let us feel that this is our home; let us be controlled by an ambition of making it a home worth loving and worth defending; let us, also, be united in the promotion and advancement of our state interests and institutions, and we cannot then fail to secure for our town and state a glorious future.” — Judge Harley’s oration at the July 4 festivities.

140 Years Ago

Glenbrook yacht races. The sailing race which took place on Lake Tahoe yesterday was one of the best events of the kind I have ever witnessed. Four boars entered the arena. McKinney’s yacht, the Transit, General Phipps Ohio, the Grace Jellerton, owned by Frank Jellerton and the Fluta. The first prize, a purse of $40, was awarded to the transit, which was sailed by that prince of a boatman, Frank Holt.

120 Years Ago

Last night Queen Jess, after a successful reign, yielded the scepter to King Carnival and he at once took possession of the town and issued his royal proclamation to his subjects. The Mardi Gras ball and the street enjoyment of last evening proved to be what it was made for.

60 Years Ago

Carson City residents who own property in the city which is considered by city inspectors to be ‘unhealthy’ or a ‘fire hazard’ will get notice to clean off their lots or the city will to it for them — at their expense.

40 Years Ago

While firefighters continued to battle fires Saturday night throughout Northern Nevada, the 500-acre Voltaire Canyon blaze south of Carson City was put under complete control at 6 p.m.


150 Years Ago

Dr. Haskell’s temperance lecture did not take place last night. The ungodly and the bibulous chose rather to spend their half dollars in rum and gum and other portables than expend the same in gaining admission to a lecture upon their own peculiar vice and wickedness. This is a wicked and guzzling world and lots to be reformed.

140 Years Ago

It is estimated that 2,500 people picnicked at Steamboat on the Fourth.

120 Years Ago

Yesterday’s Reno Journal turned loose a pretty lively deal on Carson, accusing her of all kinds of robbery during the carnival. The paper stated that the visitors simply ran into a bunch of grafters and that he people were overcharged on every turn. This is not true.

60 Years Ago

A new Carson City building code which has been changed several times finally made its way past the city council at the council’s regular meeting here last night. The main objection by residents would restrict the freedoms of residents to construct their own residences.

40 Years Ago

The streets of Virginia City will be filled with pumpers, hose wagons, and bucket brigades this morning as competition continues at 9 in the Comstock 1984 Fireman’s Muster.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006. 


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