WNC students attend climate conference in D.C.

Outside the Capitol from left: Thomas Shumway, Avery Spry, Tim McFarren and Sandra Koch McFarren.

Outside the Capitol from left: Thomas Shumway, Avery Spry, Tim McFarren and Sandra Koch McFarren.

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Avery Spry and Thomas Shumway came away from a trip to the nation’s capital with a new appreciation of the legislative process.

Concern for the environment prompted the two Western Nevada College students to apply for scholarships to the national climate conference earlier this month.

They wanted to learn how the federal government works, how citizens can lobby and make use of their First Amendment rights, and practice what they learned to protect their environment. For Spry, the climate conference was a life changer. It helped determine what she wants to pursue in her career.

Spry and Shumway were able to attend the conference in Washington, D.C., on scholarships created by the Carson City chapter of the Citizens’ Climate Lobby through WNC Foundation.

Conference attendees learned about effective, viable climate solutions nationally and internationally. They also connected with other climate advocates across the political spectrum in all walks of life.

Recent climate changes have seen storms increase in intensity, temperatures rise, droughts lengthen, loss of species, elevated sea levels, oceans warm, glaciers melt and more. For Shumway, the trip also was informative about the process and policy making of the legislative branch.

For information, visit www.wnc.edu.


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