Past Pages for July 20 to 23, 2024

The Vivian Mill in about 1885. The mill was the eastern most mill in Carson River Canyon.

The Vivian Mill in about 1885. The mill was the eastern most mill in Carson River Canyon.

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150 Years Ago

A singular spectacle is reported by the Virginia Chronicle of last evening. A simoom (sic) was evidently blowing upon the 26-mile desert, for a whirlwind had caught up a body of sand, in the form of a waterspout, and was sweeping it rapidly across the county. It was apparently a half a mile in height, and although many miles away, its movements could be plainly seen. The phenomenon continued about a half an hour and was observed by hundreds of people.

140 Years Ago

The diphtheria scourge is still raging in Virginia City. Several children have died recently, and the local papers do not state the facts as bad as they are.

120 Years Ago

The V.&T. shops are rushed to their fullest capacity, and more work continues to pile up. A wood drive is going on in the Carson River at the present time.

60 Years Ago

A Nevada State Prison escapee was located in Henderson yesterday and will soon be returned to imprisonment in Carson City. The inmate escaped recently while working as a trustee in Reno.

40 Years Ago

The new Donald W. Reynolds School of Journalism and Center for Media Studies at the University of Nevada-Reno will emphasize “quality, performance and high standards,” says the school’s first dean, Travis Linn.


150 Years Ago

In the case of the state of Nevada vs. W.H. Sommers for disturbing the peace, on his appearance he was given a $50 fine or 25 days in the county jail. This is the individual who got so drunk he could not find the keyhole of his door at the Corbett House, and kicked it in, waking up 60 or 70 lodgers who came to their doors frightened to death. He was arrested after bringing in the entire police force. He is quiet now, and being a little short of funds, he was committed.

140 Years Ago

A strange hallucination. The bloody apparition seen by a Glenbrook prospector. The following narration of a Lake Tahoe ghost story comes from Glenbrook and those who know the narrator say that he was frightened enough next day to have seen all he claims to. I am far from being of a superstitious disposition, but cannot help agreeing with Shakespeare, that there are many wonders in heaven and earth undreamt of in the philosophy of man. Let skeptics read the following truthful narrative and explain the phenomenon if they can. A Night of Terror (Continued)

120 Years Ago

Yesterday the Truckee River General Electric Company had the misfortune to sustain a damage to their flume and power plant, and as a result there is no power in this city and the lights are out. The most inconvenience is in Virginia City, where the mines depend on power to hoist.

60 Years Ago

Carson City postal officials are preparing for their busiest day in many a year when the Nevada Centennial Stamp commemorative 100 years of statehood goes on sale tomorrow in the Carson City Post Office.

40 Years Ago

For many, the damage won’t be great, since a one percent increase in a 13 percent adjustable, 20-year, $40,000 mortgage comes in at about $30 per monthly. But some home lines are going up as fast as the borrower’s blood pressure.


150 Years Ago

Fire — John Rosser’s slaughterhouse caught fire by some unknown means yesterday afternoon between 4 and 5 o’clock and was entirely consumed. The fire department was out in force. The loss was quite considerable.

140 Years Ago

A Night of Terror (continued from previous) Having a few idle days on my hands, lately, I took the opportunity they afford to carry out a long-contemplated idea of exploring the surrounding country, and with no companion, save a trusty old mare kindly lent me by Cap. Prey of Glenbrook, set out on the expedition. Upon arriving at Fulsome, near the foot of Lake Tahoe, I found the country so rough and broken a nature as to prevent my four-footed companion from accompanying me further; so, leaving her where grass and water were plentiful, I continued my journey alone. (Continued)

120 Years Ago

Last evening the electric lights were again in service. About 9 o’clock the company finished the work on the flume and for many minutes the customers of this city again discarded the oil lamps.

60 Years Ago

Local residents and out-of-towners flocked to the Carson City Post Office today as the Nevada Centennial Commemorative five-cent stamp went on sale.

40 Years Ago

Big O’ Tires has added a new $20,000 computerized alignment machine.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006. 


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