Letter: As a foundation of our democracy facts must matter

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President Biden has done many good things in this country and earned a second term. Do your homework if you are unsure about this fact. To elect the other candidate would send this nation into chaos again.

The former president has frequently paraphrased Hitler’s speech, and thus the “Big Lie” was reborn. Anyone, with a grade school education should know that the hate of the Nazis that led to the death of millions of innocent people across the world. The former president’s messages are those of hate, division, political persecutions, and ripping up the Constitution. A majority of his rhetoric is laden with lies. His lies telegraph his actions, such as the stolen election; what he attempted to do in 2020. That individual is not presidential material in any democracy in the world. Don’t forget which candidate attacked our country with an armed mob on Jan. 6, 2021, and continued to lie about a stolen election. The chance he will attack our country again are more than probable, if he loses again.

That ex-president belongs in prison for his crimes, at the very least. Do the right thing in November and send the former president home winless.

I am afraid, however, that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent's cunning, your minds may be led astray from your simple and pure devotion to Christ. (2 Corinthians 11:3).

Jeff Galloway

Carson City


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