Past Pages for July 24 to 26, 2024

The first Territorial Legislature meet Oct. 1, 1861, at Abraham Curry's Warm Springs Hotel. Today the Nevada State Prison occupies the site.

The first Territorial Legislature meet Oct. 1, 1861, at Abraham Curry's Warm Springs Hotel. Today the Nevada State Prison occupies the site.

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150 Years Ago

It is said that there is an organized effort on the part of those who “drink water and tell the truth” to engineer a movement in favor of a Local Option Law and the repeal of the Gambling License Act. Those in favor of the resolution will say “aye” and those opposed will meet at Trump Winston’s reorganized and reconstructed saloon this evening.

140 Years Ago

A Night of Terror (continued from previous). After several hours of wearisome toiling through the dark, gloomy ravines and over almost inaccessible mountains, I arrived at an old log cabin, and on the walls the inscription: “Oct. 23rd. 1870. Geo. Hund and party snowed in and short of provisions. 24th. Snowing heavy and nothing to eat. 25th. Killed brown mule; sweet but tough by G — The place and surroundings were of so gloomy and wired a description I deeply regretted the approaching darkness. Entering the walls would merely afford a slight protection from the wind. (Continued)

120 Years Ago

Ready for settlers. Thirty thousand acres of government land to be allotted. The U.S. Reclamation service in charge of the Nevada project yesterday morning received the official maps of 30,000 acres of land which will be ready for irrigation by April 1, 1905. The land will probably be thrown open to home seekers the first of next week.

60 Years Ago

Members of the Carson-Tahoe Hospital Association will meet tomorrow to determine whether or not they will offer privately-owned Carson-Tahoe Hospital to Ormsby and Douglas counties. The sale is because of financial difficulties. The meeting is open to the public.

40 Years Ago

A gambler at Stateline who lost a $15 hand tried to kill himself with a pistol shot to the head at a blackjack table. The shooting occurred about 2 a.m. Sunday at a major resort crowded with gamblers.


150 Years Ago

Mike Purcell still persists in denying his Greek ancestry. It is one of his Dublin tricks.

140 Years Ago

A Night of Terror (continued from previous). I found an ample supply of fuel in the remains of the roof, and soon had a cheerful blaze. I spread my blankets and lay down to rest. After a while, I rose to a sitting position and happening to glance towards the opposite corner of the canine, distinctly saw two men engaged in an earnest conversation. One was a young man and after a while a third middle aged man approached, and the elder, without a moment’s warning seized an axe that was standing near and dashed it into the newcomer’s brain. “Great God! Exclaimed the younger, “this is murder, and you will both hang.” (Continued)

120 Years Ago

Nash Coronado is now putting his excellent tamales on the market. Anyone who has ever had any of his creations will not be apt to want any other make. His headquarters is at the Briggs House.

60 Years Ago

The U.S. Army Commendation Medal has been awarded to former Carson City resident Captain Duane E. Berning, it was learned here today. Capt. Berning received the commendation for his improvement of systems in logistics planning.

40 Years Ago

By Gerald C. Crane, Inmate No. 14422, Northern Nevada Correctional Center. Every year, several hundred high school students go to prison. Not a startling figure — drugs and delinquencies being what they are — but I’m not talking national figures, these students are all from Northern Nevada. Most are from high school government classes.


150 Years Ago

Uncle Tread has got a new horse. He is a mere better shaped epine than the lambasted “Major.” He looks like too much of a plug to attempt to buck the locomotive off the track. He can’t play himself on this community for a Granger. He is a respected remnant of the Mexican War.

140 Years Ago

A Night of Terror (continued from previous). “Not by your prattling,” answered the murdered, as with a second blow he sent the axe, reeking with the blood of the first victim, into the skull of his companion. Up to that moment I had sat as if spell-bound gazing at the horrid scene being enacted before me, but then, by an almost a superhuman effort, I shook off the trance and sprang to my feet, when the whole scene vanished like a flash of lightening, leaving nothing but the naked and ghastly walls over which the flickering of light of the fire played. (Continued)

120 Years Ago

The band boys and a whole lot of their friends leave for Tonopah on this morning’s train, where they will help keep things moving during the Railroad Day celebration. From all indications it is to be one of the hottest in the history of the state.

60 Years Ago

“A part of our common frontier heritage has been saved,” Gov. Grant sawyer explained to news that a house and senate conference committee agreed to mint 45 million additional silver dollars.

40 Years Ago

Seasonal summer thundershowers dumped more than a half inch of rain on Carson City Monday, slackened streets, caused power outages and kicked off a small lightening-powered ignited fire.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006. 


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