Tara Riddle: Blackberry buttermilk biscuits with a cinnamon whipped honey butter (recipe)

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I am a huge buttermilk biscuit fan. I make them all of the time. To me, there is nothing more soul-warming than a homemade biscuit smothered in melted butter. Many of you may know me from the Carson City Farmer’s Market where I am a vendor with Black Rock Bison. One of the perks of being a vendor is first dibs on all of the luscious fruits and veggies that are available to us if we can make it to Mills Park on a Saturday morning!

One of my favorite fruits are the blackberries from Rodriguez Farms. This beautiful blackberry takes me straight back to my grandparents’ house in Missouri. They had the biggest blackberry bush in their front yard. It was giant. Us grandkids were out there all of the time getting stuck by the thorns while picking blackberries. It was worth the pain.

These biscuits can be made with any berry of your choice, but blackberry buttermilk biscuit has a nice ring to it! The trick to making a great biscuit is extra cold ingredients. Place a stick of butter in the freezer for a couple hours before you make these biscuits. This keeps them layered and flakey. This recipe makes 8-12 fairly large biscuits. I like to make them jumbo size, like they used to serve at Adele’s.


3 cups all-purpose flour

5 teaspoons baking powder

1 ½ teaspoons salt

½ teaspoon baking soda

½ cup butter

1 ¼ cup cold buttermilk

Melted butter or heavy cream

1 ½ cup fresh blackberries.

Cinnamon Whipped Honey Butter Ingredients:

1 stick softened butter

1 cup honey

2 tsp cinnamon

Preheat your oven to 450 degrees. Get out a cookie sheet and cover it in parchment paper. Find some biscuit rings of some sort to help cut out your biscuits. Get a small bowl of heavy cream and a pastry brush to brush on the biscuits before they go in the oven.

Mix your flour, baking powder, salt, and baking soda together with a whisk. Next grab your cheese grater and use it to grate your frozen butter right into your dry ingredient bowl. Next add your buttermilk. Fold together until sticky and mixed well.

Spread some flour down on the counter and plop your mixed dough on top of it. Knead the mixture together, mixing in some of the flour. Slowly add in a handful of blackberries, then fold your dough and press down. Continue adding in blackberries and slowly folding your dough and kneading everything together. Don’t over mix. This will turn your dough purple and blue. Just be gentle and pat out your dough. Use your biscuit rings and cut out biscuits until there is no more dough left.

Brush the tops of the biscuits with the heavy cream, and bake in the oven for about 13-16 minutes. Pull out when golden brown on top.

While the biscuits are in the oven, you can whip up your cinnamon and honey butter. Hopefully, you have had 2 sticks of butter setting out at room temp. Use a hand mixer and whip up the butter, then add a cup of honey and continue whipping. Finally, you can toss in the cinnamon and whip up just a little bit more and then set to the side and wait until your biscuit timer goes off.

Smother your biscuit and serve warm. Enjoy! If you want to tag me on Facebook, please do! Or, if you have recipe or real estate questions, you can send me an email to Triddle@CharlesKitchen.com.


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