Faith & Insight: Experience God’s presence

Micheal Hurlbert

Micheal Hurlbert

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With the warm summer, I have spent more time outdoors. My dog enjoys every chance to swim and explore the different smells. Being outside has helped me appreciate the beauty and goodness of the world and God, who created it. In the higher elevations, wildflowers are in bloom. They color the landscape and remind me of Jesus’ encouragement to consider the flowers of the field. We are confident that God will care for his children by considering his care for the flowers.

Still, being outdoors is only one place where I am reminded of God’s loving presence. There are many places and actions a person can take to connect with the creator. It is essential to seek out these opportunities to bring about spiritual growth and find guidance to help navigate life challenges. In times of stress and hostility, connections to God bring a rest that transcends understanding. In a world that is increasingly inward-focused, connections with God provide an opportunity to express gratitude and worship. Scripture helps Christians find places and becomes a means by which they connect with God.

The Bible makes clear that God is found in the community of believers. He desires to dwell among his people. He would walk through the garden with Adam, he dwelled in the tabernacle with the people of Israel in the wilderness, his cloud filled the Temple of Solomon, and most importantly, he became flesh in the person of Christ.

Today, the promise of his presence is found among the body of believers. Jesus says, "For where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them." God dwells within a community of people committed to living the Christian ethic and modeling their lives after the pattern set by Jesus. Spiritual growth happens within the church. Believers are encouraged to consider others above themselves and provided with support in their times of need.

God’s presence is not only found within a body of believers but through service to others. When the disciples of Jesus were arguing over who would be the greatest, Jesus placed a child among them and said, "Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me" (Mark 9:37).

Jesus picked up a child because children were among the most vulnerable in the first century. They were often disregarded and overlooked. His point is that to show care to or welcome the least in a society is to open oneself to the presence of God.

In moments of service, believers experience the most profound connection to the creator. In these times, Christians model their lives after Jesus, who humbly became a servant and bore the cross on our behalf. Through helping others, a person experiences true fellowship with God. They will find spiritual growth and peace through life.

We must seek these opportunities to experience God’s presence and not limit ourselves to only one outlet. Consider the flowers of the field, gather with other believers, and serve those in need. By doing these things, the Christians welcome God into their lives.

Micheal Hurlbert is associate pastor at First Christian Church in Carson City.


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