Letter: NV Energy rate increases should not be given

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NV Energy is applying for even higher rates. Time to tell the rate setters to say no to yet another increase.

NV Energy is asking the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada to approve almost tripling the monthly fixed charge for electricity. They want to increase the base charge from $16.50 to $44.40 a month and raise their shareholder’s returns even higher.

Everyone will feel this impact; households with low energy use will be hurt the most. And it will make putting solar panels on roofs less desirable. This while other states are seeing their rates drop because renewable energy is so much cheaper.

Why don’t we have more? Nevada is No. 1 in solar energy potential; NV Energy should put that to use instead of relying on natural gas (gas prices were through the roof last year and it came right out of our pockets) to provide most of our energy needs.

If you think you’re already paying too much you might want to let them know by sending your opinion to the PUCN through the Electronic Filing System on the commission’s website. To do this, go to: https://puc.nv.gov/About/Docs/Forms/Applications/ and scroll down to “Commenter Form” and let them know how you feel.

Or better yet, show up in person to one of the consumer listening sessions (public hearings) on Tuesday at 1 p.m. and/or 6 p.m. at the PUCN office in Carson City located at 1150 E. William St. and let them you’ve had enough. No rate increase should be given.

Sandra Koch

Carson City


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