Nevada State Parks launches photo contest

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On May 29, Nevada Division of State Parks launched its Snapshots of Nevada State Parks photo contest.

The contest is hosted by Tyler Technologies, Nevada’s reservation technology provider, and is an opportunity for photography enthusiasts and park visitors to capture the beauty of Nevada's diverse landscapes.

Park visitors are invited to submit one photograph in each of the categories:

• Desert Vistas: Capture the vast, arid landscapes that define much of Nevada State Parks, highlighting unique geological features like red rock canyons and sand dunes.

• Mountain Majesty: Focus on the snow-capped peaks and treescapes of Nevada State Park's higher elevations, showcasing activities like hiking or the tranquil beauty of secluded spots.

• State Parks Thrills: Capture the excitement of outdoor adventures across Nevada State Parks. Whether mountain biking through rugged landscapes, scaling majestic cliffs, or kayaking serene waters, show the adventures that embodies the spirit of exploration.

• The Wild Card: Whether it’s a hiking mishap, a serene scene, or something utterly indescribable, if it happened in Nevada State Parks and doesn’t fit the mold, it goes here.

• Stamp & Snap Adventures: Show your Nevada State Park Passport in locations within the parks. Remember to prominently display your park passport.

The contest is open to any legal resident of the U.S. aged 18 years or older, who has visited a Nevada State Park. Minor edits such as cropping, red-eye removal, and adjustments of contrast, color, lighting and brightness are permitted.

Drone photography will not be accepted, and all Nevada State Park rules must be followed while capturing photos. The contest ends July 7; winners will be announced in late August.

Prizes will include outdoor gear and free all-access annual permits.

For information or to see full contest rules, prize options and submission guidelines, visit


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