Letter: Social Security

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Social Security will run out of money in 2035. Before our politicians increase retirement age, cut benefits or raise taxes, we should simply reprioritize our spending.

I propose we freeze their salaries, benefits and COLA until they return the trillions they pilfered from Social Security. They will never balance the budget, reduce the debt or fix Social Security until they feel our pain.

So, let’s roll their bloated retirement plans into Social Security. Maybe then they’ll get serious about returning Social Security to solvency. Unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats are ruining America.

Billions of dollars sent to Ukraine are missing. Let’s freeze the budgets of the state department until that money is found, the Department of Education until test scores improve, the Department of Energy until we are energy independent, DHS until they secure the border and deport 10 million criminal aliens and HHS until those responsible for creating COVID, crippling our economy, suppressing effective therapeutics (Ivermectin) and promoting ineffective and dangerous pseudo-vaccines are held accountable for their crimes against humanity.

Additionally, since underrepresentation is proof of discrimination, more money can be found by suspending all government aid and grants to left-wing groups posing as nonpartisan organizations.

We can save Social Security and America, but we must stop funding anti-American NGOs and international bodies (WHO and UN) that don’t share our values and beliefs.

Mike Rodgick

Carson City


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