Brewfest organizers ready for a strong turnout Saturday

Cans of the Fox’s Peach Perfect Kettle Sour Ale, a new beer to be served at the annual Capital City Brewfest in McFadden Plaza on Saturday.

Cans of the Fox’s Peach Perfect Kettle Sour Ale, a new beer to be served at the annual Capital City Brewfest in McFadden Plaza on Saturday.
Photo by Scott Neuffer.

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The logic behind the annual Capital City Brewfest is simple.

“Everybody wins,” said Jim Gray, a local insurance agent and, as part of the Rotary Club of Carson City, one of the organizers behind the popular event.

“Everybody likes drinking beer,” said Melody Demuth, general manager of the Fox Brewery and Pub, one of the event’s mainstays and creators.

Demuth and Gray talked to the Appeal on Monday at McFadden Plaza. The weather was cool and breezy, but summer heat was forecast to return by Saturday when, from 3 to 8 p.m., McFadden Plaza and a portion of Curry Street would brim with dozens of beer vendors.

Gray and Demuth said the event, going into its ninth year, has roots in a similar event at Carson Mall, but Fox owner Jim Phalan brought it further downtown to make it what it is today.

“It was kind of a misfit of trying to get it organized,” recalled Demuth. “We just kept wanting to feature local breweries. That’s the point. We were one, and at the time, there was Shoe Tree and there were some other ones … It’s just a good way to get the community involved in all the local breweries.”

Tickets are $40 in advance or $45 at the event. Participants get a 5-ounce tasting cup with which to sample more than 40 brews and ciders. There will also be four food trucks and live music from Sierra Roc.

Besides local favorites like Shoe Tree, Great Basin and the Fox, some regional producers will be pouring including Sierra Nevada, Lagunitas and North Coast brewing companies.

“North Coast we’re excited about,” said Gray, saying he loves the brewery’s two Belgian-style ales, Brother Thelonious and PranQster.

Gray also loves India Pale Ales (IPAs).

“I love beer, but I’m not real technical with it,” he said. “They (IPAs) are pretty damn popular. It seems like every brewer has an IPA, or many of them do anyway.”

Gray was looking forward to a good mix of IPAs and lighter beers like lagers come Saturday. Demuth explained the Fox would be adding to that mix by showcasing a new brew, the Peach Perfect Kettle Sour Ale, as well as the brewpub’s Irish-style red ale.

Demuth said the Fox saw nearly 1,000 people for the Taste of Downtown event last weekend. Such events are huge for local businesses in the capital city, she said.

“We’re very excited,” she said. “The two big community events we love participating in are Taste of Downtown and Brewfest… And they’re back-to-back. I have two very busy weekends.”

Gray expected up to 1,200 participants this Saturday. While the brews steal the show, he emphasized the event is a fundraiser for the Rotary Club that supports community programs.

“Basically, our focus is children, education and other community projects,” he said.

For information or tickets, visit


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