Past Pages for June 19 to 21, 2024

The Vivian Mill in about 1885. The mill was the eastern most mill in Carson River Canyon.

The Vivian Mill in about 1885. The mill was the eastern most mill in Carson River Canyon.

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150 Years Ago

The Mormons, as they are usually termed; or as they style themselves members of the Reorganized church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, held a meeting at the courthouse on Sunday evening last, and were addressed by Alex. H. Smith, son of Joseph Smith, who was the founder of that sect.

140 Years Ago

For constitutional or scrofulous catarrah, and for consumption induced by the scrofulous taint, Ayer’s Sasparilla is the true remedy. It has cured numberless cases.

120 Years Ago

(Appeal Benzine machine) When we hit the other side, however, the steering gear flew up and tapped the claret in our nose again. The blood by this time was running down all over our clothes. It occurred at this point that we might stop the machine and take a rest. We started to turn all the guffaws several different ways, none of them appears to act on the power part of the vehicle. It seemed to go faster. (Continued)

50 Years Ago

Boy’s state elections for city officers for six fictional cities, Berlinger, Scrugham, Miller, Payne, Withers, and Bush, were held Monday.

40 Years Ago

Photo caption: At the site where the Michael Hohl Motor Co. has broken ground for a dealership are front row, from left: Al Campbell, Oldsmobile district service representative; Attorney General Brian McKay; Micheal Hohl; and Gov. Richard Bryan. In back row, from left are Bud Stark, GMC representative; Ed Rennis, Buick zone manager; Howard Merlin’s, Oldsmobile district manager and Peter Findlay, co-owner. The dealership anticipates opening Sept. 1, 1984.


150 Years Ago

Swallowed a baby! — A young man of our acquaintance, of hitherto respectable habits and inclinations, was detected a few days since in the act of swallowing a baby! And horror upon horror, and worse upon worse, a China baby at that! It was a tiny French China doll — a mite of a thing, say an inch and a half. Up to date there has been no ill effects.

140 Years Ago

The Salvation Army has invaded Virginia City. It was received with a shower of rotten potatoes. If the salvationists will pay Carson a visit, they may not make many converts, but they will at least be treated like gentlemen and ladies.

120 Years Ago

(Appeal Benzine machine) We tried to talk with the other man in the seat, but his ears were full of sand and our mouth was in the same fix. We concluded to circle around some blocks in Empire and headed for home. We took away some lamp posts in making the turn but had no other accident. (Continued)

50 Years Ago

The statistical record of professional services at Carson-Tahoe Hospital during May shows business is booming. The hospital shows a 15% increase in admissions, which administrator Raymond Farwell called a “fantastic increase.”

40 Years Ago

Young, inexperienced soldiers drop to their bellies, cradling muzzle-loading Enfield rifles to their cheeks. They spot the enemy, aim and fire, mortally wounding a Southern belle’s beau. Paulette Grune and her husband Fred of Sparks, belong to the Nevada Civil War Volunteers. They spent Sunday at Bower’s Mansion re-creating the June 17, 1861, Civil War skirmish near Guy’s Gap, Tenn.


150 Years Ago

The usual row between the Fourth-of-Julians of Virginia and Gold Hill is reported. The war cry is, “thy spirit, independence, let me share, lord of the lion heart and eagle eye,” — and so they split and dissolved their negotiations; and the Horntowners stood firm, while the Slippery Gulchers returned, burning with wrath, to their hill side.

140 Years Ago

The motto of the regular Republicans this year in Ormsby is “No compromise with cranks and traitors.” Whenever you see a man talking about conciliation consider him as an interloper from the crank camp paving the way to give some of the old soreheads of 1880 and ‘82 in office.

120 Years Ago

(Appeal Benzine machine) The thing increased in speed as we went along and when we spied our faithful attendant, the news machine, it was drawn up in the road will all the necessary traps to give us assistance, and we had figured out to a nicety when our benzine tank would give out. It stopped within 10 yards. Then a rancher came along and let us hitch the machine to his wagon and we got it back to the office. (Continued)

50 Years Ago

Photo caption: Sharing memories of their early days with Warren Engine Co. No. 1 during the volunteer fire department’s banquet Monday night were, from left: Burd Lindsay, John Nulty and Chester Newnham, now exempt members. Lindsay joined Warren Engine Co. in 1929, Nulty in 1932 and Newnham in 1921. The banquet was held to honor the department’s 111th birthday.

40 Years Ago

Three Carson City boy’s landed city offices during the first day of political campaigning at the 38th annual Boy’s State Sunday, and one has taken on the job of newspaper editor. Mark Manoukian, Jay Meder were named city councilmen. Joe Tresnit won the city attorney’s slot, and Bryan Allison will edit the boy’s state newspaper during the week-long session.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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