Past Pages for June 22 to 25, 2024

Nevada Historical Society

Nevada Historical Society

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150 Years Ago

The great junketing excursion of the Pacific Coast Pioneers is to take place to-day. They will be escorted by the National Guard of Virginia City. Flags and banners and martial music will come with them and lend them gaiety and pomp and splendor.

140 Years Ago

At Paradise Valley, Humboldt County, on the Fourth, there will be a parade of Horribles.

120 Years Ago

(Appeal Benzine machine) We have sent below to the factor for new wheels, escape valves, sparklers, automatic cutoffs, reverse blowers, a condenser and three throttle valves. With these trifling repairs, which are not over 20% of the original cost of the machine, we expect to hit the road again.

50 Years Ago

The city’s well numbered eight was throttled back to 60% of capacity this morning in an attempt to alleviate the disastrous effects the well has apparently had on nearby residents. Mayor Eugene Scrivner ordered the well throttled down after around 40 residents of Overland Acres appeared before the board of supervisors to tell how wells in their area have lowered or gone dry after the city started pumping from Silver Sage and Koontz June 4.

40 Years Ago

An investigation continues today in the strangulation murder of a Carson City couple found dead on the floor of the living room at the motel they managed on North Stewart Street.


150 years ago

Carrier’s Notice. James S. Is no longer the carrier of the Appeal; nor is he longer authorized to collect moneys for this establishment nor to transact any other business therefore. Dorsey Noteware will carry the Appeal and collect for the same, weekly, until further notice.

140 years ago

The Fourth On the Lake. Glenbrook. Things in and about our town wear a most pleasing aspect. The majority of our citizens being staunch Republicans are jubilant over Blaine’s nomination, whose election they consider certain. One thing certain is that our sports will not be marred by drunkenness which is too often the case on similar occasions, as no spiritus liquors will be sold at any place on this side of the lake.

120 years ago

(June 23) This evening one of the worst fires that has visited the Comstock in many years swept over the town. The fire started in the New York Restaurant and carried out nearly the entire block before it was under control. For a while it was feared the flames would sweep up the street and make a wreck of the town.

110 years ago

In order to test the efficiency of the fire apparatus which accompanies the government rescue car, now temporarily stationed at Tonopah, a fire was started in one of the old shafts of the Mizpah mine Tuesday morning, and with it generated deadly gases. Once the hose attachments and streams were turned on, the blaze was subdued within an hour.

100 years ago

Due to the acute water shortage, Nevada potato acreage this season has been reduced a thousand acres from last year, according to Thomas Buckman, agricultural extension agent of Washoe county, reports the Journal.


150 years ago

A Dangerous Calm succeeded yesterday’s tempestuous visitation of Boreas. It was dangerous because of the possible stealthy advances of Jack Frost – whose coming now, would make sad havoc.

140 years ago

A lot of cranks are about the streets trying to explain the difference between a “Dolly Varden” and an “Independent Republican.” It is like throwing a skunk into a man’s back-yard, and telling him that is was only a pole-cat.

120 years ago

A Beautiful Sight. Last evening at a little after 8 o’clock the Capitol grounds were lit up by the electric company. The wires were strung with incandescent lights representing the Carnival colors and the place seemed like a fairy land. The stunning electric display will be one of the unique displays of the Carnival.

110 years ago

With pleasure the Appeal has received the initial copy of the Carson City Evening Gazette, published by a number of Carson’s younger generation.

100 years ago

“The Hunchback of Notre Dame,” a screen production that cost $1,500,000, and is an outstanding success of the theatrical world, will be featured at the Rex theatre Saturday and Sunday – Record-Courier

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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