Letter: Trump’s guilty verdict

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I was disappointed but not surprised in Jim Hartman's recent opinion on the New York trial’s guilty verdict for Donald Trump.

Apparently, he and MAGA Trump supporters would have accepted a guilty verdict only IF the prosecutor had publicly stated that he believed Trump was innocent AND the judge had contributed to Trump’s campaign AND the jury was from a state that had 88% of residents voting for instead of against Trump.

Mr. Hartman stated that Judge Merchan was "handpicked for this case.” Not true. Merchan was assigned in a routine rotation of judges assigned to grand juries and any cases arising from them.

Some reporters claim that New York law prohibits judges from making political contributions. Also, not true. The New York prohibition only applies to accepting political contributions while running for a judicial office, NOT while in office.

Such donations are permissible as long as they do not create an appearance of impropriety. After 15 years on the New York Supreme Court, Merchan's contribution to the Biden campaign was $15.

But hey, since when have Trump supporters been concerned about facts?

Jon Nowlin

Carson City


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