Letter: Rebuttal to Jim Hartman’s June 8 commentary: 'The guilty verdict'

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Hartman states the verdict wasn’t a surprise given the jury pool in Manhattan… The jury was of his peers, New York residents where the crimes occurred.

I’m sure Jim would rather he was tried in Douglas County. Jim states “The major problem was not the jury, but the prosecutors and the judge.” Of course.

Lying to the banks, state regulators and investors is not an issue if Trump can kill a story that would sink his election campaign.

Jim states, “Merchan allowed a flood of immaterial evidence, made pro-prosecution rulings…” Judge Merchan could have jailed Trump for repeated violations of the gag order but bent over backward to be fair to Trump.

Trump showed contempt for the law repeatedly. Trump has contempt for the law. He has contempt for the Constitution of the U.S. It’s not surprising that 10 of his closest associates are convicted felons.

Not surprising that he cooked up the fake electors scheme to steal the election. What is surprising is that Jim is such an obvious sycophant posing as a columnist.

Phil Hanna



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