CCSO to perform alcohol compliance checks Friday

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On Friday, the Carson City Sheriff’s Office will be conducting alcohol compliance checks utilizing underage volunteers, according to a news release.

The volunteers “will be sent into local businesses in Carson City and attempt to purchase alcohol using their real identification.”

“The Carson City Sheriff’s Office will be focusing on businesses checking identification properly and denying the sale of alcohol to minors,” CCSO said. “A common mistake is not calculating the age correctly when checking identifications. Please remember if you serve or sell alcohol, the person must be born on or before the day of the purchase in 2003, making them 21 years old.

“Also, remember not to accept expired forms of identification. Our goal is to have 100% compliance and have no alcohol sold to our decoys.”

The mission, CCSO said, is “to keep our city’s youth safe and sober.”

“These checks are designed to help keep our kids safe and businesses in compliance with county and state laws,” CCSO said.

Information or questions can be directed to Deputy Daniel Loyola at


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