Get Healthy Carson City: National Pet Preparedness month

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As summer arrives, many people will enjoy outdoor activities with their pets, like playing at the dog park, barbecuing, or swimming in the lake. However, summer also brings potential risks, such as extreme heat and wildfires. To help pet owners prepare for these emergencies, June is designated as National Pet Preparedness Month. This month serves as a crucial reminder to create an emergency plan to be ready for any disaster.

Develop a Plan: Having a plan in place will likely cause less difficulty, stress, and worry when an emergency occurs. In case of an evacuation, pets should be evacuated, too. Leaving pets behind could result in them getting lost, injured, or worse. Things to include in a plan:

Identification: Make sure to have a proper ID. Keep a current photo in their emergency kit. If possible, talk with a veterinarian about the potential to use microchips.

Know Where to Go: Find predetermined safe places to take pets if asked to evacuate. Safe places could include a friend, or family member’s house or a pet-friendly hotel. Have a list of these places and their contact numbers.

Stay Together: During a natural disaster, keep pets on a leash or in a carrier. After the disaster, keep pets close and on a leash, if applicable, when outside. There might be dangerous debris or unfamiliar smells that can confuse them.

Make a Kit: Create an emergency kit. Include food, water, medications, veterinary records, poop bags, cat litter and pan, leashes, collars, a first aid kit, and favorite toys or treats. Customize the kit according to the pet’s needs.

Know Who to Contact: Plan with a neighbor or friend in case a disaster happens while away from home. Agree ahead of time that they’ll take care of the pets if owners can’t get home. Have stickers on the front door indicating how many pets are inside for emergency workers. Keep important phone numbers handy, like a primary vet, pet-friendly hotels, and the Pet Poison Helpline 855-764-7661.

National Pet Preparedness Month encourages pet owners to make sure their pets are safe during emergencies. This means having an emergency plan, supplies, and proper ID. National Pet Preparedness Month raises awareness about the potential hazards pets face and emphasizes the importance of including pets in emergency plans. By following these tips and creating a pet emergency plan, owners can help ensure the safety and well-being of their friends during any crisis. Remember, pets rely on their owners for their safety and comfort, so being prepared is the best way to protect them in times of crisis.

If owners want to learn more about how to keep pets safe during emergencies, check out


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