Past Pages for June 29 to July 2, 2024

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150 Years Ago

Thomas Millard, our industrious neighbor and fellow citizen, who is second to none in the business of renovating garments — extracting grease and eradicating stains therefrom — waves his sign in the Appeal this morning. He repairs gentleman’s and ladies clothes and makes them look like new. Location is opposite of the Ormsby House, Carson Street. Give him a call.

140 Years Ago

Vegetable larceny. In the rear of Rail’s hardware store can be seen a very curious exhibition of petty larceny on the part of a hopvine. The vine began growing in the backyard of Jacob’s the tailor, and gradually coiling around an old broom it lifted it over the fence and is now crawling upon Rail’s building with it in its clutches. The view is wound about the broom about a dozen coils and has already carried it 12 feet from where it found it. In a few days it will be on the roof. If a hopvine can lay hold of and lug off a broom what should prevent it some night from taking the clothes from a line or coiling around a yellow-legged chicken on a hen roost.

120 Years Ago

The Virginia Chronicle is reporting the fire that visited that town on Thursday evening, says that Isaac Dobbins, “hop head” who is a recent arrival, was seen coming from the burnt district this morning with a sack. Dobbins could not give a satisfactory explanation as to how he came into possession of the goods, but the police believe he had placed the plunder at the back of the restaurant and that he had spent the afternoon there smoking “dope.” It was probable that a pipe full of trash dropped a spark and shouldered in the night.

110 Years Ago

Indications are that General Villa is preparing to move his entire army toward Mexico City, leaving only local garrisons in the territory he dominates.

100 Years Ago

The Ku Klux Klan organizers have not given up on this community (Gardnerville) as a lost hope, even though the first meeting held here some weeks ago was attended by but a handful of men. At that time, no great amount of enthusiasm was displayed by those present for the hooded knights. The Klan will have another meeting next Wednesday at the Masonic club rooms, the organizer having rented the room for that night. — Record-Courier


150 Years Ago

A plague of big, winged ants is upon us. These pests, like the sea lawyer, are in everybody’s mess and nobody’s watch. They light and crawl upon one’s neck and ears; they prospect one’s nose and share one’s soup. Where they come from, what they want, where they are going or what they are good for, no man knows.

140 Years Ago

Trout weighing as high as eight pounds are being taken at Fallen Leaf Lake and Cascade Lakes, something never before heard of.

120 Years Ago

Artful dodger arrives. The success of the carnival is doubly assured. Every nation has a flag, and all nations are represented in the thousands of flags that are strung in and out amount the electric ropes along the sides of Carson Street from pole to pole. Mardi Gras night no one will be allowed on the streets after 8 o’clock at night without a mask.

50 Years Ago

The state and local powers that watch over Carson City have known for many years there would come a time when the supply of gourd water in Eagle Valley would not be enough to supply the population. Now it has been assumed that by 1990 when the water runs out, the city would arrange to buy the state’s Marlette-Hobart system and also receive groundwater from Carson Valley.

40 Years Ago

(Gardnerville) The 12,000-acre Indian Fire stubbornly refused Saturday night to be contained by firefighters, who are now using backfires in an effort to change its direction.


150 Years Ago

The winged-ant curse, to which we made a modest allusion in our issue of yesterday, has exemplified itself in a very conspicuous manner on Dick Kelly’s new house. On the north side of that building, a fresh coat of paint had been laid on; and at night the ants started out for a cruise, they made a raid in that direction — and they are all embalmed in all imaginable attitudes.

140 Years Ago

Mrs. Bowers is again at the Arlington House, room 38. She received no insurance after her house burned as the policy had expired two days before the fire.

120 Years Ago

Lt. Gov. Allen, remembering his dreadful experience when he appeared at the Comstock Carnival will not ride a potbellied steed this year. With a man of Allen’s girth and general build such a combination looks like a Katzenjammer cartoon.

50 Years Ago

Undersheriff William Furlong has issued a warning to motorists to obey posted speed signs on East Fifth Street in the vicinity of John C. Fremont School. With the new year around classes.

40 Years Ago

Although the Indian Fire north of Gardnerville is not out yet, federal teams are already at work trying to determine how to restore the 17,000 acres destroyed in the blaze.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006. 


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