Past Pages for May 11 to 14, 2024

Downtown Carson during the Nevada Day Parade in about 1950.

Downtown Carson during the Nevada Day Parade in about 1950.

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150 Years Ago

“Poker Bill from Cariboo:” This vagrant was arrested and brought before Justice Witherell and pleaded guilty to vagrancy. He has been going around town begging for two bits to get something to eat and went up to a gentleman, craving his accustomed mite. The gentleman declined to give him any money but directed him to his kitchen, where the wife kindly filled his pockets with bread and meat which, as he passed the nearest alley, threw them away. The officers caught him in the act and nabbed him. It served him right.

140 Years Ago

No office seekers: In Pioche no person in Lincoln County wants a county office. They say there is no money in it. It is much the same way in Carson, the nominating conventions have to go around with lassoes and drag people into the county building.

130 Years Ago

All sorts: The Glenbrook mills will start up about the 20th.

John Sweeny is moving his fixtures from the Old Corner to the Ozark Saloon, which he owns. John says he will not open until he sees, “which way the cat is going to jump.”

110 Years Ago

Excavation completed: Excavation of the cellar of the six-room bungalow that is being erected for District Attorney Chartz on his property and is adjoining the residence of Dr. Cavell is coming along. Contractors are busy getting the lumber in shape and ready to turn the building over to the owner in 90 days.

70 Years Ago

 “C” Day: This is the traditional day when the high school students are excused to make the trek to the “big C” on the hill and give it an annual cleaning and paint job.


150 Years Ago

Hank Monk: We learn from Hank Monk that the road to Lake Bigler (Tahoe) is clear of snow. Hank went up in a buggy as far as the mill and took Sprague Chase and another. They were on their way to the lake and walked over that part of the road from the snowline to Glenbrook. Hank says there are a good many men, woodchoppers and others walking over to the lake these days.

140 Years Ago

Carson divines: There is a preacher in the east who has purchased a number of seaside cottages for the special use of its parishioners. The Carson divines would find their churches overflowing and the coffers of the Lord full if they gave every pewholder a cottage at Lake Tahoe.

130 Years Ago

A cure for pneumonia: Take six to 10 onions, chop fine. Put in a large spider over a hot fire, the same quantity of rye meal, and vinegar enough to form a thick paste. Put it in a cotton bag large enough to cover the lungs and apply to the chest as hot as the patient can bear. Repeat the process 4 or 5 times, and in a few hours the patient will be on the mend.

110 Years Ago

Program at the Grand, “Mother Love Versus Gold,” “Pathe Weekly,” “Between Dances,” a farce well put on; “For Her Government,” A story of a professional cracksman’s wife, and “A College Cupid.”

70 Years Ago

Dirigible balloon: A huge dirigible shaped balloon flies atop the Nugget as a novel advertising scheme. A miscreate climbed onto the Nugget roof and painted the name and lantern emblem of the Old Corner on the balloon’s side. No one knows who did the “dorty treek,” but it is being investigated. The sign was painted over this forenoon, but the evidence can still be plainly seen.


150 Years Ago

Building: Matt Rinckel’s new building is a very sightly one. Matt Rinckle comes under the head of “self-made.” He proposes to have a commodious a butcher shop as anybody owns. Glad to have so much grit and enterprise in the place.

140 Years Ago

Mine jumped: The south Carson mine once gave great promise as a second Comstock ledge. A number of credulous Carsonites invested in it. There is nothing left but the old shaft, half filled with water. The original locators discovered some activity about the shaft and called the sheriff to serve notice on some jumpers to quit the place.

130 Years Ago

All sorts: The project of extracting Comstock ore through the Sutro tunnel is again being agitated, and in connection with this, the building of a mill at the mouth of the tunnel is to be run by an electric plant on the Carson River. (Chronicle)

110 Years Ago­­­­­

Peg o’ My Heart: A full house rewarded Hurst Brothers of the Majestic Theater in Reno for their good judgment in bringing “Peg of My Heart” to Reno and in finding a company qualified to reflect the metropolitan success which the three-act comedy has had. The special excursion train will leave at 6:45 p.m. Those who have not secured tickets can do so by seeing H.J. Coogan at the Carson depot.

70 Years Ago

New Victory Café: The new Victory Café next to Tommy’s Victory Club will be open and operated by Sam Murra, who has 25 years’ experience as a chef. The new restaurant is finished in green and brown with four booths, a counter and an entirely new modern kitchen.


150 Years Ago

Death of S.D. King, Sr.: “Father King” as he was affectionately called, died at his residence. A more useful or faithful public officer, an honester man, a more respected citizen or most generally beloved, we cannot call to mind. There was no office in the state that is so admirably kept as the recorder’s office in Ormsby County — so perfect was his system and so painstaking his constant habit of performing his duties.

He was born Oct. 2, 1802, in Washington, D.C. He was engaged in general land-business and asked to organize the California Land District, and he was appointed by the surveyor general. He later moved to this place (then Utah Territory) and has resided there continuously when he was appointed recorder of Ormsby County. Mr. King leaves five children, three sons and two daughters. The funeral will take place at the Episcopal Church.

140 Years Ago

In brief: Mrs. Bowers is doing a rushing business in dealing with futures at the Arlington House.

The goldfinch is said to be the earliest riser of all the feathered tribe. He tumbles out at 1 a.m. and starts the fires for the other birds.

130 Years Ago

A new altar: St. Peter’s Episcopal Church of this city has a new altar. It came from New York and cost $100 — made of oak and has a retable. On the front of the altar proper the initials I H.S. are carved. The money was raised by the altar class formed by the young lady communicants of the church.

110 Years Ago

Delivering Buicks: Clarence Dangberg came from Reno with two 1914 Buicks which will be delivered to their new owners. Mr. Dangberg reports that the sale of Buicks keeps him hustling to make delivery.

70 Years Ago

Advertising: “Carson Theatre — ‘How to Marry a Millionaire’ in Technicolor with Marilyn Monroe, Betty Grable, Lauren Bacall. Cinemascope short ‘The Coronation Parade,’ regular prices 20-40-65-85 cents.”

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006. 


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