Porter to compete in Beach Wrestling World Championships

Dominic Porter wrestles at the Carolina Beach National Wrestling Tournament in mid-May. Porter qualified for the Beach Wrestling World Championships in Greece in September.

Dominic Porter wrestles at the Carolina Beach National Wrestling Tournament in mid-May. Porter qualified for the Beach Wrestling World Championships in Greece in September.

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Carson High’s Dominic Porter first started beach wrestling as a way to train in the offseason for the winter high school schedule.

In just about a year, the sport is turning into his passport to see the world.

A couple weeks ago, Porter flew to Carolina Beach, North Carolina to compete in the Carolina Beach Nationals under USA Wrestling.

The event also served as a World Team Qualifier.

His trip to North Carolina was the first time he’d ever been on a plane. He flew home having qualified for the U20 Beach Wrestling World Championships in Greece in September.


In order to qualify for the Beach Wrestling World Championships this fall, Porter needed to finish in the top three in his weight bracket. He didn’t lose a match in the tournament.

“It’s crazy back when I was a freshman, I was just doing it to lose weight,” said Porter, “and now I’m going places with it.”

He’ll be the first place representative from the men’s U20 90-plus kilogram division.

There was no qualification to enter to Carolina Beach Nationals, but Porter had made connections from his start in beach wrestling on the opposite coast in California.

The Carolina Beach Nationals also had world team qualifiers from the U17 and senior divisions. In all, the event featured weight classes for boys and girls from 6U up through senior and masters divisions.

Porter is hoping to get some help from the community through fundraising to make the trip possible.

In total, he’s hoping to raise about $4,000.

“I’ve never been out of the country,” said Porter. “North Carolina was the furthest east I’ve ever gone. First time I was on a plane, too. That was kind of a warm up. Definitely a new experience for me.”

He will head to Greece from Sept. 18-22 where the World Championships will be held in Pieria on the country’s eastern coast.

Those interested in helping donate to Porter’s cause can reach out to his via email at porterdominic313@gmail.com or via phone at 775-400-4674.

“It’s kind of scary, but I think I’ll do really good. And it’ll be cool to see the world like that for the first time,” Porter said.

(Carson High’s Dominic Porter stands on top of the podium after winning his weight division at the Carolina Beach Nationals. / Courtesy)


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