What kind of visions do the TVs tell? Visions that send many people to hell!
Visions of old and modern-day crime. Visions created by monetary divine pollutin’ the gut and pollutin’ the mind, turnin’ many into modern day slime.
Young people of today are being educated but into foul decadence are being graduated. Most everything learned from watchin’ TV is unholy decadence the country sets free!
The TV is one demonic advertiser money pollutin’ people, thinkin’ its wiser sellin’ ideas foul and unholy are demons hopin’ to capture all the lowly.
Is the TV of foul, unholy temptations polluting what should be divine sanitations?
Instead of livin’ for fleshly pleasure and cash, we should throw the TV and its garbage in the trash. This country should be puttin’ Jesus Christ first instead of promotin’ what’s foul and perverse!
Dennis Arnoldi
Carson City