150 Years Ago
The Eve of battle! The war spirit roused? Great bonfires along the line of Carson and Ormsby streets lighted the way which our marshalled hosts were going. A great and eager throng were gathered at Moore & Parker’s Hall. The band paraded the streets and march in triumph into the midst of the multitude who received them with cheers. Mr. William Corbett was received as the chairman of the evening. The band played a patriotic air, the Campaign Quartette sang a song, and the veteran Republican and eloquent patriot Col. J.C. Zabriskie was introduced to the vast audience.
130 Years Ago
Wayside notes: Several times last night the old rebel yell sounded along Main Street.
Look out for “Monte Cristo” at the Carson Opera House.
The printers and editors are glad this election is over. They will all take a good sleep today.
120 Years Ago
Three autos: L.L. Patrick returned from San Francisco and purchased three automobiles which he will put on the road between Tonopah, Columbia and Goldfield to make daily round trips. The third machine will be used for travel about the district. One of the machines is a 40-horsepower, four-cylinder Colombia, 1905 model; the second is a 30 horsepower four-cylinder side entrance and the third is a two-cylinder Pope-Toledo. Each will carry seven passengers and make the trip in a little over two hours.
70 Years Ago
Births at Carson-Tahoe hospital: Mr. and Mrs. John Lane of Genoa are parents of a boy weighing 6 pounds, 13 ounces.
60 Years Ago
Centennial Day: Admission Day visitors to the state capital totaled a record setting 54,599, according to estimates obtained by the Nevada Highway Department, of them 12,200 were residents of the Carson City area.
150 Years Ago (1874)
Advertisement: “Jacob Tobriner dealer in groceries and provisions, wines and liquors, wallpaper, paints and oils also, gentleman’s furnishing goods, corner Carson and Musser Streets, Carson City, Nev.”
130 Years Ago
Doc Benton: Doc wishes to tell all of his customers that while he is out of the stage business, he is at the old stand willing to provide livery services.
120 Years Ago
All sorts: None of the defeated candidates are squealing, and everyone is getting along once more.
70 Years Ago
U.S. living standard climbs 10 percent: The American standard of living has risen 40 percent in 35 years. Americans are now producing more and better autos and have money to buy them.
60 Years Ago
School sites obtained: Growing pains are being experienced as school facilities once believed adequate are overcrowded. The Ormsby County School Board compiled a lease agreement with the Bureau of Land Management for a 10-acre site northeast of the freeway near Stewart and discussed an application on file in regard to 40 acres near the airport. Also, under consideration is a five-acre site near the present Carson High School and another site in the Edmunds Drive area.
150 Years Ago
All sorts: The funeral of the little 10-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Fleming took place at the Presbyterian Church and was largely attended.
Mr. Jack Doane, assistant coiner at the Mint got one of his fingers badly mashed in the mill.
A big gang of Chinese people is at work harvesting Mrs. Kennedy’s crop of potatoes in her field.
130 Years Ago
Paradise jail burned: A fire was discovered at the Paradise branch jail. As there were two prisoners in the jail – one for horse stealing and the other for disturbing the peace — the cry of fire created intense excitement and the crowd with sledgehammers, crowbars and axes, broke into the building to save the prisoners from being burned to death. The fire started in the straw bedding.
120 Years Ago
Night of accidents: Saturday night was a record breaker for accidents on the railroad. No less than two men were run over, one of whom, John Martin, a citizen of Elko, was instantly killed. another whose name is given as Lopez was runover in the Wells yard and died, and another is in the hospital suffering from serious injuries, all from east of Wells. (Independent)
70 Years Ago
Antique business opens: William Porter opened his antique shop at 1112 N. Carson St., on Nevada Day (later Adele’s). It’s the red house with white trim. The shop offers a variety of antiques and is located in an old house which is practically an antique itself. It was built in the late 1800s or early 1900s according to the architectural style. The color scheme was selected because it is a combination which is associated with antiques all over the country.
60 Years Ago
Mystery: Forces in the Solomon Islands in the Southwest Pacific are causing U.S. satellites to joggle temporarily out of orbit according to Dr. George P. Wollard, Hawaii geophysicist. It appears the satellites are pulled earthward from their paths over the Solomons by excess gravity.
Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.