You are hereby notified that the Carson City
Board of Supervisors will conduct public
hearings on Thursday, November 21, 2024,
regarding the items noted below. The meeting
will commence at 8:30 AM. The meeting will
be held in the Carson City Community Center,
Robert “Bob” Crowell Board Room, 851 East
William Street, Carson City, Nevada.
For Possible Action: Discussion and possible
action regarding a Master Plan amendment
(MPA-2024-0280) to change the Master Plan
designation from Low Density Residential
(“LDR”) to Community/Regional Commercial
(“C/RC”) for a 3.64 acre parcel on the east
side of Emerson Drive at the southern
terminus of Louise Drive, Assessor’s Parcel
Number (“APN”) 008-123-38. (Heather Ferris,
Staff Summary: KLS Planning & Design
(“Applicant”) is requesting the Master Plan
Amendment in conjunction with a tentative
Planned Unit Development to allow for RV and
boat storage. At the Planning Commission
meeting of August 28, 2024, the Commission
recommended denial of the Master Plan
amendment to the Board of Supervisors.
For Possible Action: Discussion and
possible action to introduce, on first reading,
an ordinance approving a requested tentative
commercial Planned Unit Development
(“PUD”), including (1) an amendment to
the zoning map to change the use district
of the property from Single-Family 6,000
(“SF6”) to Tourist Commercial-Planned Unit
Development (“TC-P”), and (2) approval of
a special use permit (“SUP”) to establish a
recreational vehicle (“RV”) and boat storage
facility (either covered or enclosed), located
on 3.64 acres on the east side of Emerson
Drive at the southern terminus of Louise Drive,
Assessor’s Parcel Number (“APN”) 008-123-
38. (Heather Ferris,
Staff Summary: KLS Planning & Design
(“Applicant”) is requesting a tentative Planned
Unit Development to allow for RV and boat
storage. Per Carson City Municipal Code
(“CCMC”) 17.09.030 all procedures with
respect to approval or disapproval of a
PUD are to be applied for under the single
PUD application; therefore, the request for
the zoning map amendment and SUP are
included with the PUD. At the Planning
Commission meeting of August 28, 2024,
the Commission recommended denial of the
Planned Unit Development to the Board of
Pub Date: November 9, 2024 Ad # 47693