The Winnie Lane Center on Wednesday, where a new tattoo shop will take root.
Photo by Scott Neuffer.
After losing her husband in August — longtime Carson City tattoo artist Nerm Davenport — Lacy Taylor is planning to bring her talent and community-building skills to a commercial center at the corner of North Carson Street and West Winnie Lane.
Tuesday, the Carson City Planning Commission voted 6-0, with Commissioner Nathaniel Killgore absent, to approve a special use permit establishing a tattoo parlor in an existing tenant space at 184 W. Winnie Lane.
It was the commission asking Taylor and co-owner Brooke Lee about details of the business that brought Taylor’s recent loss to the surface of a public meeting. She and Davenport, both Carson residents, had been working at their own shop in Reno. His passing set in motion the relocation, she told commissioners.
Taylor further told the Appeal on Wednesday that Davenport was 54 when he died, and it was a tough moment in her life. They had been planning to return to Carson next year. He’d worked in the community for more than 20 years including at Distinct Ink.
Planning commissioners commended Taylor and Brooke for bringing the business to Carson and for investing in the commercial center.
“We felt very supported (by the commission),” Taylor said Wednesday. “We were very happy with our interaction with them.”
Madness Tattoo will open in January, the partners expect, and their plans are to team up with neighboring tenants like Wizard of Pawz and Shears & Gears for community donations and events as well as with the Barber family, a longtime friend, Taylor said.
“The stronger the community we all have, the better,” Taylor said. “We’re very community-oriented. Even in Reno, we benefited Carson the best we could because this is where we’re from.”
To connect with the business, email
In other news, planning commissioners approved a SUP for a snow removal equipment storage building at the Carson City Airport – a 40-foot by 80-foot structure — and discussed (without taking formal action) the Board of Supervisors’ recent adoption of the Title 18 update dealing with zoning and the city’s development standards.
The Board of Supervisors did not follow all of planning commissioners’ recommendations in the years-long Title 18 revision process, and commissioners discussed Tuesday issues like which zoning districts are appropriate for duplexes, as supervisors kept them to corner lots in single-family residential zones.
As Planning Commission Vice Chair Charles Borders put it, the commission will get “another bite at this apple,” with the Master Plan update expected to be adopted in March. Title 18 will need to be revised again to implement any changes from the Master Plan update, according to the city.
For information about the Master Plan update, go to