Jennifer Moore, left, and Cassidy Moore of Stargazer Blossoms show off the Christmas cactus that will be free for any customer who makes a $100 purchase on Nov. 30 during Small Business Saturday. The full-service florist and custom gifts store at 957 W. Williams Ave., will also feature a 20% discount on the entire store, including floral bouquets, for the day.
Sara Dowling/LVN
Small Business Saturday, which is Nov. 30 this year, celebrates 15 years of local love.
Since 2010, American Express has encouraged those in search of the perfect holiday gift to “shop small, support local” on the Saturday after Thanksgiving.
The Fallon Chamber of Commerce and Churchill Entrepreneur Development Association are sponsoring activities for Fallon shoppers beginning at 8 a.m. Their welcome booth at the Old Post Office, 90 N. Maine St., will be ready with Small Business Bingo and Gurka in Business game pieces, swag bags, coffee and doughnuts sponsored by The Fallon Post, Telegraph Coffee and WaFd Bank. A variety of vendors will also be on site.
A $5 purchase in each participating local store earns a stamp on the Small Business Bingo card. Shoppers can also visit the stores on the Gurka in Business list, find the hidden Greenwave gurka and post a “selfie” on Facebook with the hashtag #GurkaInBusiness to earn entries to a raffle drawing at the end of the day.
A new business on the list this year is Stargazer Blossoms which opened in July at 957 W. Williams Ave. On Small Business Saturday, the full-service florist and custom gift shop will give away a Christmas cactus with a $100 purchase. A 20% discount will apply to everything in the shop including floral bouquets.
Owner Jennifer Moore has been designing with flowers since 1998 and felt a strong desire to finally turn her gardening passion into an official brick-and-mortar business. Her daughter, Cassidy, wanted a boutique storefront for her online Etsy store of custom designed shirts and cups. Together they have faced the many challenges of setting up a new business.
“When you love what you do it’s not work, right?” Jennifer Moore said. “We try to cater to those things that you’re not going to find at Walmart or any of the other shops in town.”
They have curated a collection of items for sale from local entrepreneurs and crafters, including Warmies stuffed animals, jewelry and Mood Mix candles. The light in the store sparkles from the many crystal and jeweled suncatchers hanging from the ceiling. Customized gift baskets are available in a range of prices.
Stargazer Blossoms is open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Friday and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturdays. Special orders outside normal business hours can often be accommodated by appointment. Online ordering and same day local delivery are available.
For information or to place an order, call 775-217-5030 or visit