Past Pages for October 5 to 8, 2024

Carson-Tahoe Hospital's first campus in 1955. A fire in 1968 destroyed the building, and the infirmary at Stewart was called into play. Construc tion for this building in 1949 topped out at $80,000.

Carson-Tahoe Hospital's first campus in 1955. A fire in 1968 destroyed the building, and the infirmary at Stewart was called into play. Construc tion for this building in 1949 topped out at $80,000.

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155 Years Ago

Change of time. A change of time to suit the new Pacific Railroad timetable is announced by Mr. L.H. Dyer in our issue this morning. Attention is directed to the same.

140 Years Ago

Four pages of fool’s cap covered with campaign poetry was received at this office yesterday. We shall keep it intact until we put up a new stove.

120 Years Ago

Another dead body has been found lodged in the drift of the ditch east of Reno. Truckee river and the water ditches along its shores east of this city have become a common burying ground for the lawless.

60 Years Ago

More than 200 awards were presented Thursday night at the annual 4-H Awards night held in the Civic Auditorium. Pins and certificates were given to both club leaders and members.

40 Years Ago

Federal employees at two Nevada agencies walked off their jobs today at 10 a.m. while other offices awaited word of whether to stay, after congress failed to sign legislation by today’s deadline to keep the nation’s government operating.


155 Years Ago

Night watchman — notice — noticing a card in the Appeal from Deputy Sheriff Butler, which states that my appointment as night watchman has been “revoked.” I ask the state that never having looked to Butler for any pay for my service, I shall continue to act as night watchman until the citizens of Carson, who have paid me heretofore, shall also “revoke” my appointment. A.M. Bulkley.

140 Years Ago

In no period of the history of the Republican Party in Ormsby has the Appeal been called upon to endorse so strong a ticket as the one placed by the popular vote before the convention that met last Saturday. In the present instance every man upon the ticket was obliged to secure the approbation of a majority of the voters at the primaries, and the result has been a ticket, the equal of which, in voting strength, has never before been nominated in Ormsby.

120 Years Ago

George carver, timekeeper for the Truckee River Electric Company is in jail at Truckee charged with appropriating the company’s money, by putting in overtime for the employees and putting the same in his pocket.

60 Years Ago

A considerable number of Carson Street businessmen victoriously protested the proposed Eagle Valley freeway Monday night at the final planning commission hearing on the proposed master plan for Ormsby County.

40 Years Ago

What is the major cause of death in Nevada? Is the population growing older? Is it better to be sick in Reno or in Las Vegas? These are a few of the questions posed in a study by the State Office of Community Services.



155 Years Ago

Our railroad. We went up yesterday to the mountain end of the track and came down on the locomotive to the valley end. Some ladies adorned the cow catcher, the caboose was ornamented by some of our fair ones and we and some other handsome boys and girls on the tender. There are about four miles of the road built now; and by next Friday night the track will be laid into Empire.

140 Years Ago

Let the newspapers in this state which biennially abuse the legislature for doing bothering towards the reduction of frights and fares, come out explicitly in favor of a constitutional convention or forever after holding their peace. — Times-Review

120 Years Ago

“I have just returned from the new mining camp of Gold Crater, about 25 miles south of here (Goldfield) and found it an interesting country. The mines there are in the center of an extinct crater, about two-and one-half miles wide and three and a half long.”

60 Years Ago

In a fighting mood, Senatorial hopeful Paul Laxalt today lambasted “an abominable press situation in Las Vegas,” growing big government and unbridled power in Washington while defending the rights of states, Indians, property owners and employers.

40 Years Ago

Brothel owner Joe Conforte will remain in prison until Dec. 19 as a result of a Nevada Parole Board decision Monday against Giving him a 10-day break in his sentence.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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