Douglas girls golf

Douglas girls golf set for state again

Frisby, Zinke lead Douglas girls golf to fourth straight state tournament appearance

The Douglas High School girls golf team is headed to the state tournament for the fourth consecutive season. Pictured from left to right are coach JD Frisby, Madison Frisby, Adrianna Nuno, Kailynn Dollar, Morgan Gooch, Giana Zinke and coach Markus Zinke.

The Douglas High School girls golf team is headed to the state tournament for the fourth consecutive season. Pictured from left to right are coach JD Frisby, Madison Frisby, Adrianna Nuno, Kailynn Dollar, Morgan Gooch, Giana Zinke and coach Markus Zinke.
Photo by Carter Eckl.

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All four years of their high school careers, Douglas High girls golfers Giana Zinke and Madison Frisby have helped guide the team to the state tournament.

That was no different last week as Zinke and Frisby put up top-five finishes as individuals to once again punch Douglas’ ticket to the state tournament as a team.

They’ve already got two state titles to their names, but their reward for making state one last time is a chance to close out their high school golf careers on their home course of Genoa Lakes.

“It’s amazing, especially for our senior year. It’s been our home course since we were freshman. … We know the course; we’ve played it a bunch. We know it like the back of our hands.” said Frisby. “It’s a huge advantage for us because we play it every day.”

Two years ago, the duo helped claim Douglas’ second straight state title at Genoa Lakes.

Zinke, who took second as an individual at regionals, won the individual state title two years ago at Genoa and is hoping she’s able to finish her prep career with the same accolade.  

“That’s my goal again this year. I know I can get it done,” said Zinke. “At the same time, if I don’t, it’s OK. I am going back there with my team.”

(Douglas High senior Giana Zinke lines up a shot around the 18th green Thursday at Red Hawk Golf Course. Zinke was the runner-up at the 4A North regional with a two-day score of 73-75–148. / Carter Eckl)


The two-day regional tournament played out on the team side as most regular-season events had this fall.

Bishop Manogue ran away with the team title, shooting a score of 636.

Douglas was second with a 738, while Reno took the final team spot with a 782.

Zinke dominated the course, posting a 73-75–148 to take second place while Frisby put together an 83-86–169 for fifth.

Bishop Manogue’s Ella Rawson won the individual crown with a 74-68–142.

“This year, I did everything I could, and I shot low numbers both days. Ella did an amazing job and shot an amazing score. I can’t do anything about it,” said Zinke.

They were accompanied by three more quality outings from their teammates, too.

Adrianna Nuno was 14th overall, finishing her tournament with a score of 98-105–203.

Kailynn Dollar and Morgan Gooch completed their rounds right next to each other on the leaderboard with scores of 109-109–218 and 114-110–224, respectively.

“I am really proud of our team. We’ve come a long way this season,” said Frisby. “After losing so many girls, managing to get to state four years in a row is amazing and I am really proud of everyone that was a part of it.”


The two seniors both agreed that holes No. 5 and 6 at Red Hawk were some of the best chances to score low at the regional tournament. Zinke birdied both on both days of the event.

Now they’ll turn their sights to the Class 4A state tournament Oct. 14 and 15 in Genoa.

“It feels like a homecoming game for me,” said Zinke. “My sophomore year I won state at Genoa individually and that’s my goal again this year. …. Whatever happens, happens, but I am super excited to be back at Genoa.”

(Douglas High senior Madison Frisby chips onto the 18th green at Red Hawk Golf Course during the Class 4A North girls regional golf tournament. Frisby put together a two-day score of 83-86–169 to take fifth place as the Tiger girls team qualified for state. / Carter Eckl)


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