Boy Scout Troop 1776 completes annual Yosemite National Park service

Boy Scouts from Fallon Troop 1776 at Olmstead Point.From left: Atticus Mayer, Gavin Sellstrom, Ben Halliquist, Jack Fecht, Garrison Doty, Dominik Mora and Lucian Francis.

Boy Scouts from Fallon Troop 1776 at Olmstead Point.From left: Atticus Mayer, Gavin Sellstrom, Ben Halliquist, Jack Fecht, Garrison Doty, Dominik Mora and Lucian Francis.
Boy Scouts Fallon

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Members of Boy Scout Troop 1776 descended upon Yosemite National Park to the valley floor via Tioga Pass in July to complete their annual service project. Each year the project varies a little bit. This year the goal was to improve the experience for park visitors by cleaning the Upper and Lower Pines Campgrounds, two of the largest camping areas located on the valley floor, as well as the Curry Village visitor parking area.

After the work was completed, the troop hiked 11 miles from one side of the valley to the other with stops at Mirror Lake, Yosemite Village, the Lower Yosemite Falls and a swim in the Merced River.

The annual adventure was first organized several years ago by charter representative Steven Endacott. The Fallon Scouts have been invited back every year to continue the tradition.

“We are so blessed to be able to do a service project in such a beautiful, amazing location,” said Melissa Fecht, the troop’s committee chair. “This is a great time to join the Boy Scouts.”

Troop 1776 is sponsored by the Fallon Rotary Club and meets year-round in the Wolf Center at Epworth United Methodist Church, 457 Esmeralda St. Boys going into fifth grade through 17 years old are welcome.

For information, contact Fecht at 360-510-7882.


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