2024 General Election: U.S. Senate

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Sam Brown


Sam Brown

Occupation: Small businessman

Age: 40

Contact: www.captainsambrown.com; info@captainsambrown.com

Record of service:

Captain, Ret. U.S. Army


U.S. Military Academy at West Point, B.S. Political Science

Southern Methodist University, MBA

Briefly describe the core duties of the position you are running for.

My most important duty is representing the will of Nevadans. As a Senator, I’ll work to draft legislation, confirm treaties, and vote on nominations that better the futures of Nevada and America.

A brief statement about your platform

My campaign is about standing up for every Nevadan who has been left behind by D.C. and the politicians. Nevadans are suffering right now and need solutions. I have a Four Point Plan to lower costs for Nevadans – making housing affordable again; ending taxes on tips; eliminating taxes on Social Security benefits; and lower costs on the essentials like gas, groceries, and medications. I’ll get to work right away to make life more affordable; secure our borders and confront the cartels; and empower parents and teachers to improve our schools, through school choice.

What is the biggest issue facing Northern Nevada residents and what can you do to solve it?

The economy. It's something every single one of us is affected by daily. Gas, groceries, medications…all of them are more expensive now than they were just a few years ago. We know who’s to blame – it’s the out of touch politicians, like Jacky Rosen, who have spent years in Washington, D.C. recklessly spending our tax dollars and creating inflation. Jacky Rosen made things so much more expensive for all of us, and she thinks she deserves reelection? I don’t think so. My family has had to cut back and make tough choices to survive these tough times, just like yours. That’s why I’m committed to implementing solutions that will lower prices for every Nevadan. We can immediately bring down costs first by stopping the reckless spending in Washington that caused prices to skyrocket in Nevada. Jacky Rosen voted for 100% of “Bidenomics” – Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’s economic plan that put us into this mess. Second, we can lower taxes on everyday goods like food, gas, medicine and energy. Manufacturers, shippers and service industry leaders will all pay more if we let the Trump tax cuts expire like Jacky Rosen intends to do. That means less jobs for us, and higher prices for consumers. Third, we can create better energy and monetary policies that lower costs for the production and transportation of goods, so that savings and lower prices are passed on directly to us, the consumers. The more we produce domestic energy, the more stable the cost of energy will be for our people. Along with cutting taxes and regulations, which will drive down costs, Washington must be forced to produce budgets that don’t drive up inflation and hurt working families. Jacky Rosen has had nearly 8 years to make things cheaper for you, and she’s only made things more expensive. I’ll get to work right away solving these problems so costs go down for every Nevadan.

What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position

I’m not a politician. I’m a small businessman, a veteran, a father, and Nevadan who has lived my life in service to others. Whether in my small business helping veterans get access to critical medications when the VA fell short…or in the military, leading troops in battle…my mission has always been to get the job done. That’s what I’ll do in the U.S. Senate. We need more leaders in Congress – not followers like Jacky Rosen who has been a Biden rubber stamp, voting with Joe Biden 98% of the time. Jacky Rosen has failed Nevada, and we’re all hurting as a result. I know the struggles Nevadans are facing; I’m going through them myself. My family couldn’t afford our home today, could yours? Whether it be at the gas pump, at the grocery store, or at the pharmacy…high prices because of Bidenomics have altered our way of life and destroyed the life savings of so many working families. Nevadans are desperate for change, and I’m stepping up to deliver it. As your U.S. Senator, I’ll put your interests first and stand up to solve the critical problems we are facing. But, as I learned on the battlefield when I was burning to death, words alone are not enough. They must be followed by action. I’ll deliver real solutions that lower costs and save the American Dream for all. We simply cannot afford another 6 years of Jacky Rosen.

Chris Cunningham


Chris Cunningham
Occupation: E-commerce Account Manager
Age: 32

Contact: chris@cunninghamfornevada.com; CunninghamForNevada.com

Record of service: Non-Career Politician. Previously ran for Nevada State Senate, District 10 in 2022

Education: UNC Charlotte, Bachelors in Business Administration 2014

Briefly describe the core duties of the position you are running for.

I am running as the junior Senator for Nevada who's job is to represent my constituents in the upper house of Congress. I will be taking action on bills, resolutions, amendments, motions, nominations, and treaties by voting.

A brief statement about your platform
Chris' platform is based around Libertarian principles, not policy. Libertarians champion free market capitalism, supporting civil liberties (ie: first and second amendment rights, freedom of association, freedom of religion). Most importantly, central to libertarian philosophy is the non-aggression principle, which asserts that individuals should not initiate force or coercion against others. Libertarians believe that the use of force should be reserved for self-defense or the defense of others that have aggressive advances.

What is the biggest issue facing Northern Nevada residents and what can you do to solve it?

 The biggest issue facing Northern Nevadans is stabilizing our economy. and holding politicians accountable in Washington for driving up TRILLIONS of dollars in debt. Emphasizing free market principles without government interference is paramount to the success of catalyzing economic growth
We need to support sound monetary policies backed by a tangible asset or a system where the value of money is determined by market forces rather than centralized control.
If elected, I am to reduce government spending, eliminate unnecessary regulations, reduce taxes, and foster competition in industries prone to inflation.

What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position

I am the most qualified because I am not bought out by PACs or special interest groups or beholden to corporations. I am 32, healthy, and not treating this like a retirement position. Being pro liberty allows me to not only be socially liberal, but fiscally conservative. Unlike my major party opponents, I am anti-war and want to see our troops come home. I will not drive up debt or instigate conflict overseas.

Janine Hansen


Janine Hansen

Occupation: Retired

Age: 72

Contact: 775-397-6859, Janine@janinehansen.com, www.janinehansen.com

Record of Service
Janine has served as a full time citizen advocate at the Nevada Legislature since 1991, representing families and taxpayer through the Independent American Party and Nevada Families for Freedom as the State President.

Janine serves nationally as the Eagle Forum’s National Constitutional Issues Chairman opposing National Popular Vote and all Article V Constitutional Convention applications like the Convention of States Project. She has written a monthly newsletter since 1974 informing citizens about critical political and economic issues. She serves currently as the State Chairman of the Independent American Party in Nevada and as the Western Area Chairman of the Constitution Party.

Janine is married, has four children and seventeen grandchildren.

Graduated with honors from Sparks High School, attended the the University of Nevada, Reno, and graduated magna cum laude from Brigham Young University.

Briefly describe the core duties of the position you are running for.
A U.S. Senator represents the people of the State of Nevada in the United States Senate.

A brief statement about your platform

As Independent Americans we believe in protecting the God given rights of all Americans as protected by the U.S. Constitution in the tradition of our founders.

The critical freedoms of speech and assembly.

Freedom of Religion uninfringed by government.

The individual right to keep and bear arms.

The Fourth Amendment right to privacy.

Medical freedom, control over our individual medical decisions.

Parental rights to determine the upbringing of our own children.

The right to life for ourselves and our posterity.

Securing our borders.

Supporting free enterprise.

We must STOP:

Vicious criminals and terrorists from crossing our borders through the treason of open borders.

Federal government using tax dollars to provide services and living expenses for illegal aliens.

Federal Government’s excessive spending with $35 Trillion in debt causing massive inflation, dramatically increasing the cost of food and fuel.

The military industrial complex is running our foreign policy so we are continually engaged in foreign undeclared unconstitutional wars.

Schools have become indoctrination centers destroying our youth, trashing our American values, and interfering with parental rights. Return schools to local control.

Vote Independent American to secure our lives, liberties, and families. 

What is the biggest issue facing Northern Nevada residents and what can you do to solve it?

Inflation caused by the Federal Government is the biggest issue facing Northern Nevadans. Inflation is a hidden tax. The government prints more money to pay for the massive $35 Trillion debt which causes the value of our dollar to plummet and the cost of food, gas and housing to increase dramatically. The Congressional Budget Office projected that this year interest payments alone on the debt would reach $892 Billion.

Since 1971 when Nixon closed the gold window, detaching gold from the dollar, the purchasing power of our U.S. dollar has decreased in value by 98%. In 2022, the deceptive “Inflation Reduction Act” increased government deficit spending by $669 Billion. The ending of the Keystone XL Pipeline and the war on American oil production forced dependence on foreign oil, causing the price of oil to skyrocket contributing significantly to rising prices.

These problems can be solved by returning to the Constitutional limits on the Federal Government set by the U.S. Constitution. We can take off many of the useless regulations on our oil industry encouraging American production of oil. Lower prices of oil, gas and diesel will not only lower the prices at the pump but it will lower the prices on food production and transportation. 

The Federal Government is involved in many things the Constitution does not authorize, for instance education. Through federal grants and mandates …States, counties, cities, school districts have all become vassals of the federal government bureaucracy obliterating the founders’ belief in local control by local citizens.

The military industrial complex is running our foreign policy so the U.S. is continually engaged in foreign undeclared unconstitutional wars. Our military is in 170,000 countries and territories.

We need to defend America’s borders and protect the American people from criminals and terrorists.

We must return to Constitutional principles.

What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position

As an Independent American Party candidate I would bring a very different political philosophy of Constitutional limited government to Washington, D.C. It has not mattered if we elected Democrats or Republicans, we continue to get more government—less freedom, more Big Spending—higher prices, more wars—less peace, these policies continue to undermine and destroy families, small businesses, family farms and ranches and America.

Our Constitutional Republic was founded on limited government and self-government by individuals. The more government we have, the more problems they create, the more bureaucrats we must pay for and the less freedom and prosperity we enjoy.

I have worked for these goals of Constitutional Limited Government my entire life, starting at age 19 when I first testified at the Nevada Legislature and have done so every Legislative session since. My record of defending families and taxpayers is well documented. I have worked to defend individual liberties of speech, religion and the right to keep and bear arms. I have raised the money from freedom minded individuals, so I can participate in the cause of liberty at the Nevada Legislature. I am Independent of the big moneyed interests of both parties.

I am well versed at how government works. I know the process and have been engaged in a broad range of state and national issues. 

You can be assured that if I am elected to the U.S. Senate, Nevadans and their families will be represented.

Jacky Rosen


Jacky Rosen

Occupation: U.S. Senator

Age: 67

Contact: press@rosenfornevada.com, RosenForNevada.com

Record of service:

I previously served in the U.S. House, elected in 2016. I currently serve in the U.S. Senate,

elected in 2018.


B.A. from University of Minnesota in 1979

Associate’s Degree in Computing and Information Technology from Clark County Community College (now College of Southern Nevada) in 1985

Briefly describe the core duties of the position you are running for.

As your Senator, it’s my honor to represent the people of Nevada. I strive to do what's right for our state and solve problems instead of playing politics. As one of the most bipartisan and effective Senators, I’m working across the aisle to find common ground and deliver for Nevada.

A brief statement about your platform

In the Senate, I’m working across party lines and taking on powerful special interests to grow the middle class and fight for our state. I’m focused on lowering everyday costs for hardworking families like housing, gas, groceries, and health care, while creating good-paying jobs. I took on big drug companies to cap the cost of insulin at $35/month and lower medication prices for seniors, and I’m fighting to crack down on corporate investors buying up housing stock and driving up prices.

I’m committed to making sure Nevada’s veterans, servicemembers, and military families get the support they need. I’m pushing to pass bipartisan plans to help police departments across Nevada hire and retain new officers and increase mental health resources for first responders. I’m also supporting a bipartisan plan to secure our border that would fix key aspects of our broken immigration system and stop the flow of deadly drugs like fentanyl.

I’ve always made it a priority to fight for rural Nevada. For me, that means expanding access to mobile health clinics and telehealth services, protecting mining jobs, defending our agricultural economy, and delivering important rural infrastructure investments for our schools, airports, clean water projects, and broadband.

What is the biggest issue facing Northern Nevada residents and what can you do to solve it?

Families across Northern Nevada are struggling to keep up with the rising prices of everyday essentials. I’m working every day in the Senate to lower costs, grow our economy, and give Nevadans more breathing room.

Many Nevada seniors on fixed incomes struggle to afford life-saving prescription drugs. That’s why I helped pass a law to cap the cost of insulin at $35/month and allow Medicare to negotiate for lower prescription drug prices. I’m also expanding health care for our veterans by securing funding for a new VA hospital in Reno, and I helped introduce bipartisan legislation to authorize that construction so our heroes can get better access to care.

I’m also taking on price gouging by Big Oil CEOs who are raising prices at the pump and major grocery store chains that are pursuing corporate mergers that would reduce competition at the expense of consumers.

To address skyrocketing housing costs, I helped secure $500 million for Nevada to create more housing options for hardworking families. I’ve also introduced comprehensive legislation to prioritize opportunities to build affordable housing in Washoe County. Additionally, I’m pushing legislation to support first-time homebuyers, ensure veterans can afford rent, and expand tax credits to build more housing, increase supply, and bring costs down.

I’m also committed to defending Nevada’s growing agricultural and mining economy, which creates thousands of jobs and helps Nevadans maintain their livelihoods. I helped pass bipartisan legislation to strengthen Nevada’s critical mineral industry and mining workforce, and I’ve helped introduce bipartisan legislation to protect critical mineral production in Nevada and across the West. I’ve also stood up to my own party by passing a Senate bill to block certain foreign beef imports that would hurt Nevada cattlemen and voted against regulations of U.S. waterways that hurt Nevada’s farmers and ranchers.

What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position

I am proud to be ranked one of the most bipartisan, effective, and independent members of the U.S. Senate. I’m focused on getting things done for our state – not on playing the same old Washington games. I’ve never hesitated to put partisanship aside or take on special interests to deliver results for hardworking Nevadans.

I’ve consistently worked with Republicans and Democrats to get things done for Nevadans. I helped write and pass the historic Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to rebuild Nevada's roads and bridges, modernize airports across the state, and improve access to affordable, high-speed internet. I also helped pass the PACT Act to expand health care for veterans exposed to toxic burn pits, and I secured federal funding for a new VA hospital in Reno. I have also worked with my colleagues to secure millions of federal dollars for local community projects across Northern Nevada.

In the Senate, I have worked with my colleagues to secure millions of federal dollars for local community projects across rural Nevada. That includes over 10 million dollars in the past two years for Humboldt and Lander Counties for wastewater treatment facilities, crime prevention, tribal water and sewage lines, safe routes for schools, a business incubator, and more.

I’m also proud to have passed my Lander County Land Management and Conservation Act in 2022. This law transferred land to Lander County to strengthen small airports, water infrastructure, outdoor recreation, and economic development while also protecting more than 14,000 acres of new wilderness.

My record in the Senate shows that I am committed to bipartisanship and will always put Nevada first.


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