Past Pages for October 23 to 25, 2024

Photo provided Tallac pier is advertised in this undated historical photo.

Photo provided Tallac pier is advertised in this undated historical photo.

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155 Years Ago

AH! — We learn from the Enterprise that a Chinese person named Ah committed in Virginia a crime of malicious mischief by destroying the clothing of a female Ah. The green eyed MonSTAH (sic) was the cause.

140 Years Ago

Some years ago, Mr. Gilmore planted some dolphins in Fallen Leaf Lake as an experiment. It was not believed that they could live out of salt water, but a few days ago Miss Ashley of Santa Cruz, caught one at the mouth of Taylor Creek. The fish was packed in ice, and will be sent to California Academy of Science, as many who saw it thought it was not a dolphin at all, but a hybrid trout of large size.

120 Years Ago

There was nearer a campaign night in Carson last evening than has happened in several seasons. Everyone has remarked that this campaign was the slowest on record, but when the Fusionists cut loose last night the town came to itself and the people were aware that there is a hot campaign on tap.

60 Years Ago

Board of trustees of the Ormsby County Cemetery District will meet tomorrow night to discuss the feasibility of adopting various rules and regulations for the cemetery.

40 Years Ago

By Brendan Riley. The Genoa Bar & Saloon, said to have opened its doors in late 1863, seems to have withstood a challenge to its status as “Nevada’s oldest thirst parlor.”



155 Years Ago

The Washoe and Lyon County Boundary Case is still left undecided. The jury, as we understand it, stood eight for Lyon and four for Washoe — that is to say, Lyon came within one of winning the prize.

140 Years Ago

There is every indication that the Ormsby Republicans will elect their whole county ticket.

120 Years Ago

The Reno Journal of Sunday was filled by a report to the effect that the V.&T. R.R. property including the road and equipment had passed into the hands of the Southern Pacific Railroad. Naturally the people of this city took a great deal of interest in the item.

60 Years Ago

Photo caption. Steam-Merry-Go-Round — An old-fashioned steam merry-go-round will appear in the Nevada Day Parade here this year. The old steam operated machine is just one of many old-fashioned steam powered entries in the parade.

40 Years Ago

Storey County Clerk Marlene Andreason is expected to announce Monday the dad of a special election to decide on the recall of District Attorney Marshal Bouvier.


155 Years Ago

There have been 12 miles of track laid on the V.&T. R. R., including two miles from Carson street up to the end of the tie and wood slice. This is about half the length of the entire road. Superintendent Yerington expects to lay, to-morrow, one mile and a half of track. This will take the work some distance beyond the Mound House. He also expects to reach the mouth of the big tunnel by the 1st of November. The iron for the sidetracks is on its way from England, we believe.

140 Years Ago

On Monday last there was a four handed shooting affray at Lundy. Deputy Sheriff Kirk Steven’s and Chas. Hardline, Deputy Sheriff William Calliban and George Lee were mixed up in the affair. Lee had his nose broken and the other three were dangerously wounded. It all grew out of the kidnapping of a Chinese person in the vicinity some weeks ago.

120 Years Ago

The latest mining excitement at Masonic Mountain, about 80 miles south of this city. The new district is between Sweetwater and Bodie, which is one of the best-known mineral belts in the west.

60 Years Ago

Nevada’s 1964 highway death toll stood at 173 today, after two accidents Wednesday night and one early this morning that claimed three lives. The toll was 156 on the same date one year ago.

40 Years Ago

A poll of Nevada voters shows that an overwhelming 65% favor the tax limitation initiative Question 12, although the survey’s supervisor warns the results could be misleading.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006. 


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