Past Pages for September 4 to 6, 2024

Carson-Tahoe Hospital's first campus in 1955. A fire in 1968 destroyed the building, and the infirmary at Stewart was called into play. Construc tion for this building in 1949 topped out at $80,000.

Carson-Tahoe Hospital's first campus in 1955. A fire in 1968 destroyed the building, and the infirmary at Stewart was called into play. Construc tion for this building in 1949 topped out at $80,000.

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150 Years Ago

At home: Hon. James Crawford, the new superintendent of the Mint, was in town looking as if he was at home here. He will assume charge of the Mint and remain with us permanently.

140 Years Ago

Wayside notes: G.W. Oman was presented a son by his wife. He has just taken charge of the Genoa Courier.

130 Years Ago

All sorts: All the soldiers at Sacramento were ordered to the Presidio.

The infant son of Will Bliss is sick at the lake. Dr. Lee is in attendance.

70 Years Ago

New Empire TV Club organized: The New Empire Community TV Club is setting an antenna on McClellan Peak and then running a coaxial cable down to its community to get television reception. Dick Lane is president of the organization. Testing found “excellent” reception locally even for the new TV station in Stockton.

60 Years Ago

School begins: Twenty-seven hundred students are expected to be in the classroom on Sept. 8 when school begins for the 1964-65 year. There is an enrollment increase of 10% over last year.


150 Years Ago

The town pump: On the corner opposite Gillson and Barber’s store near the mint is a water pump. As it is, we can only say that it will be long remembered by many who slake their thirst in the clear, cool water found there.

140 Years Ago

Wayside notes: The black leg is killing off calves in great numbers in Carson Valley. No remedy has been discovered.

Mr. Henry Vansickle has raised more pounds of apples in his orchard than any other rancher in the state.

130 Years Ago

All sorts: Marion Manala, the comic opera singer, has been placed in an insane asylum. Her case has been pronounced hopeless.

James Moore, a fireman on the Curry, had his hand badly injured. It is thought that he will lose two of his fingers.

70 Years Ago

Carson High School initiation: Carson High School’s traditional initiation hi-jinks were climaxed by the annual parade down Carson Street. The new frosh have been the subject of a great deal of regulated attention, ridiculous costumes, obeisance to seniors and other earmarks of initiation under the direction of members of the high school faculty who regulated the initiation. The frosh will be honored with a dance by the senior Senators.

60 Years Ago

Advertisement: “See what you want to see! Choose from seven channels not one or two, $5.95 per month. Carson TV cable.”


150 Years Ago

Matt. Rinckel’s new building is completed and will make a fine appearance when completed. It is rumored that the second story is to be occupied as the office of a newspaper to be started here.

140 Years Ago

New residence at Glenbrook: Bliss’s new residence at Glenbrook is approaching completion. It is most substantially built and will be a very handsome building.

130 Years Ago

All sorts: Charley Hofer captured a big hawk which was stunned by flying against the electric wires near the government building.

70 Years Ago

Marriages: Geraldine Lamb, county clerk, reported issuing 65 marriage licenses. She turned away 12 couples who could not prove they were of age.

60 Years Ago

Photo caption: School ends games — Carson City youngsters must put away equipment and turn to the more serious activities of school such as books, pencils and paper. The decision isn’t an easy one but come Tuesday the kids make the trek back to school. Above is Peter Goodrich, who will enroll in the junior high this year…

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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