A section on architectural design in the city’s development standards calls for varied rooflines as opposed to monotonous buildings. A proposed revised draft of Title 18 Development Standards will be reviewed by planning commissioners during a Sept. 16 workshop.
Carson City planning commissioners will have their proverbial plates full of more than 500 pages of a proposed revised draft of the city’s development standards during a Sept. 16 meeting.
The work session among commissioners starts at 2 p.m. at the Studio at Adams Hub, 177 W. Proctor St., in downtown Carson.
“This item is to provide to the Planning Commission an opportunity to review amendments to CCMC (Carson City Municipal Code) Title 18 Appendix as proposed by city staff and to make recommendations or give direction, if any, for further revisions, for the purpose of preparing an ordinance for future consideration,” reads the agenda.
Accessory dwelling units, child care facilities, storage uses, street vendors and manufactured homes are just some of the sections in the development standards (Title 18 Appendix) to be reviewed. The draft can be found online:
The update of Title 18, which deals with zoning and development, has been a years-long process undertaken by the District Attorney’s Office and Community Development. Assistant District Attorney Dan Yu previously told the Appeal the DA’s office sought to simplify and streamline city code and do away with redundancies and overlap.
Planning commissioners will also review a draft of a table of permitted uses, showing which uses are permitted in which zoning districts. That draft can be found online as well: https://legistarweb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/attachment/pdf/2830492/5.B.pdf
Planning commissioners are expected to decide on revisions at a regular meeting (they meet the last Wednesday of each month) before updates go to the Board of Supervisors for review and potential adoption.