Past Pages for September 7 to 10, 2024

North Carson Street looking northeast in the 1950s.

North Carson Street looking northeast in the 1950s.

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150 Years Ago

St. Peters Church sociable: The ladies will hold their sociable at Moore & Parker’s Hall. These sociables are always the source of an evening’s enjoyment. Good music for dancing will be provided. Ice cream, sandwiches and coffee can be procured at a slight expense. One dollar is the charge for admission.

140 Years Ago

Wayside notes: Sarah Winnemucca, the Indian princess, is booked to lecture at the Opera House. She makes a good talk, and her appearance will draw a large audience.

130 Years Ago

All sorts: A gold-bearing quartz ledge is reported to have been discovered a few miles from Mound House.

70 Years Ago

Advertisement: “Carson Theater — ‘Elephant Walk’ with Elizabeth Taylor and Dana Andrews; see the terrific elephant stampede and spectacular fire.’”

60 Years Ago

Fuji A. Woon: $20,000 is to be offered Ormsby County commissioners to be spent on a picnic ground as a part of the projected County Recreational Center. The sum is being offered in memory of the late Fuji A. Woon, a much-loved resident of Carson City. Woon chose the picnic ground because “Fudge [sic] loved to picnic and often said there ought to be a picnic ground within easy reach of Carson City, and second, there is a real need for such a facility in the county none exists at the present close to town.”


155 Years Ago

Narrow escape from death: George Downey, chief of police in Virginia City, came near losing his life a night or two ago. His buggy team ran away, and the carriage capsized on Main Street. The wheels passed over George’s head lacerating his scalp and cutting his lower lip. He was picked up and conveyed to his lodging where he soon recovered.

140 Years Ago

A big fruit yield: At Henry Vansickle’s ranch near Genoa are trees that look like hundreds of big umbrellas with handles stuck in the ground. The limbs are so laden with fruit that they bend down to form a canopy, breaking with the weight of the fruit. The trees are 10 or 12 years of age and carry a thousand pounds of apples. There will be 400,000 pounds of apples raised on the ranch. Tons of fruit lie on the ground, and there are 10 varieties — not a worm in one.

130 Years Ago

All sorts: A strange cattle disease has broken out in Mason Valley, and a great many cows are dying.

A gold-bearing quartz ledge is reported to have been discovered a few miles from the Mound House.

70 Years Ago

Advertisement: “Sky-Vue Drive in Theatre. Now playing ‘Laura’ with Gene Tierney, Dana Andrews, Vincent Price and Judith Anderson, also playing ‘To the Shores of Tripoli’ with Randolph Scott.”

60 Years Ago

Proposed college plans: Carson City has definitely been chosen as a site for a four-year liberal arts college according to Marc Castro, treasurer of the Western Education Foundation. The details will be explained at the Carson City Chamber of Commerce dinner. Three sites in Carson City are being investigated – the preferred site is west of town in the foothills. The college will be a private, independent, non-profit organization.



155 Years Ago

Large herd of camels: Eight miles below the mouth of Six-Mile Canyon is a herd of 26 camels. All but two were born in this state. The Frenchmen that now have them have had some experience with camels in Europe, and the animals are now acclimated in this state. They are used in packing salt (about 1,100 pounds) to the mills on the river from the marshes lying in the deserts some 60 miles to the east. (Enterprise)

140 Years Ago

The kazoo: This is a new musical instrument that has made its appearance here. It costs 10 cents and a boy with good lungs can disturb people for four blocks. A person wholly ignorant of music can play on it. These are the only class of people who want to.

130 Years Ago

All sorts: A large number of cows died on the Cohn ranch near Genoa. The disaster puzzles the cattlemen, some calling it murrain, blackleg, and various other names. The writer would suggest that if the disease is confined to the cows brought from California, it may be the result of the radical change of climate, feed and water.

70 Years Ago

Advertisement: “Uranium ore has been found as close as Kingsbury grade. Cash in on the $10,000 government award for qualified ground Geiger Counters (A.E.C. Approved). Now available. Stop in and try one. Several sizes to suit all needs and pocketbooks. Free samples with purchase. Free demonstration. Andy’s Associated Service, Phone 714, North Carson & Ann Sts.”

60 Years Ago

Carson City lad on duty: Michael A. Bodamer, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Bodamer of Carson City, graduated Aug. 28 from recruit training at the Naval Training Center in San Diego, Calif. He studied basic military law, customs and etiquette, seamanship, and a basic knowledge of shipboard routine. Upon completion he was granted a 14-day leave before reporting to his new duty station.



155 Years Ago

Advertisement: “Alexander Leport has removed his Family Grocery Store to the building formerly known as the New York Restaurant, on Carson Street, Carson City. It is adjoining Munckton’s drug store. Leport is prepared to furnish families, hotels and restaurants with the finest brands of French and California wines… He has a grocery and provision line.”

140 Years Ago

Wayside notes: A lawn tennis club has been formed in this city, and the costume is black and yellow.

Ginger Blue, the famous Chinese person, has passed away from our midst. He was a kind father and indulgent husband. We mourn his loss.

130 Years Ago

Hints to the postmaster (when the post office was in the Laxalt building): Our new post office is a very fine thing architecturally but has its draw backs. People desiring to mail letters are obliged to climb a pair of stone steps some distance from the street. Parties in vehicles have to hitch their horses to the telegraph pole when they mail letters. It might be a good idea to place a mailbox on that telegraph pole so as save steps and a man in a buggy could mail a letter without getting out of his vehicle. A hitching chair, with a snap on the end fastened to the post or even a hitching ring would be welcome. There is no slit in the door where a letter can be mailed after the office is closed at night...

70 Years Ago

Mystery mounts: George C. Nicholas, wanted in Florida on charges of auto theft, was arrested in Carson after he had been stopped for a routine check and found to have a 765 mm automatic in his possession. Local officers checked with Florida authorities and found that Nicholas had left there with Claudine Fleshmann of West Palm Beach, who has been reported missing by her sister…

60 Years Ago

Photo caption: Carson Quarterbacks – These are the “arms” who will be quarterbacking Carson City high school’s football team this season — John Gamble, Terry Graham and Joe Sheeketski. Graham, rated as one of the best passers in Northern Nevada, will get the starting assignment when the Senators open their 1964 season against Yerington.

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006. 


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