Faith & Insight: Living a 9/12 life in a 9/11 world

Pat Propster

Pat Propster

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As I reflect on what took place on the soils of the United States of America 23 years ago, I do so with a heavy and prayerful heart. The heart of our great nation is in critical trouble. We need more than ever to remember what we have all been through together as a people and as one nation under God, indivisible.

The hearts of American citizens on Sept. 12, 2001, reunited to Christ in prayer, and bonded once again with a spirit of patriotism and liberty, love and respect, thoughts and actions of selflessness and usefulness. Our citizens once again had the ability, by freewill, to see, not just notice, each other, thus responding to one another’s needs. In so doing fulfilling the call of Jesus Christ to esteem others higher than ourselves. That selfless heart was lived out across our nation, especially seen, in all the first responders responding to United Airlines flight 93 in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, the Twin Towers in New York and at The Pentagon in Virginia.

Today, we see that aforementioned 9/12 heart has all but faded and is gone in many places throughout our nation; and has been replaced with anger and borderline hatred, resulting in chaos. The harsh attitudes of a 9/11 world are more prevalent now, but what is even more heartbreaking is these attitudes and mindsets are from within our own borders and spilling out in the public square.

Precious heavenly father, in the name of Jesus we ask for your blessing once again to be upon this nation that you have entrusted to us. Also, Lord that we, as a nation and individuals, would call upon and yield to you. That we would bless and stand for what you bless and stand for, and we would depart from what you don’t.

Lord, search me/us, oh God, and know my/our hearts, try me/us and know my/our anxieties, see if there be any wicked way in me/us, and lead me/us in the way everlasting. (Based on Psalm 139).

Dear precious people of Carson City and the surrounding area:

It is of paramount importance that we remember the things that brought our nation together. That at the places of memorials, we would continue to have times of remembrances. This will ensure that we never forget. We must determine and purpose ourselves to always remember. Keeping at the forefront of our minds what caused us as a nation to pray, trust and call upon the Lord. Oh Lord, we need your divine oversight and guidance, through your great wisdom and your perfect will and word, amen.

The offices and departments of the mayor, sheriff and fire chief in conjunction with the Carson City Christian Ministerial Fellowship Prayer Team has planned our annual 9/11 Remembrance for 2024.

This year’s 9/11 Remembrance Gathering will again be at the 9/11 Memorial in Mills Park. This dedicated site is located near the entrance of the Marv Teixeira Pavilion.

This remembrance will gather us together for a time of worship and reflection. Prayers will be offered between the thoughts and heartfelt words of encouragement from Mayor Lori Bagwell, Sheriff Kenny Furlong and Fire Chief Sean Slamon.

There will be a light dinner, snacks and refreshments provided, starting at 5 p.m. ending at 5:50 p.m. The Memorial Remembrance begins at 6 p.m.

“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.”

Numbers 6:24-26.

Grace, Grace


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