Jakki Ford with Mile High Jazz Band in August. They will perform at Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge on Tuesday, September 10.
The Mile High Jazz Band with singer Jakki Ford will perform from 7-9 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 10 at Gina's Good Life Music & Lounge, 507 N. Carson St. the Carson Nugget.
Admission is free; suggested donation is $10 per person for the band.
September Jazz features the 17-member band playing old favorites and new swinging, big-band selections, including "Evergreen," "I Can't Stop Loving You," "Children of Sanchez," and more. Jakki Ford will sing "Come Fly With Me," "Out of Nowhere," "Give Me the Simple Life," and other great tunes accompanied by the band.
David Bugli, pianist and leader of the Mile High Jazz band, said, "I am excited to bring the band back to Gina's. We had to skip our usual "second Tuesday" performance at Gina's in August to focus our energy on the very successful Jazz and Beyond Festival held from August 16th through the 26th. Now we can concentrate on one performance at a time."
Mile High Jazz Band performances and educational activities are supported in part by grants from the Nevada Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts, Carson City, Music Performance Trust Fund, and by memberships and donations. For information about the band performances and activities see milehighjazz.com.