Past Pages for September 14 to 17, 2024

Photo provided Tallac pier is advertised in this undated historical photo.

Photo provided Tallac pier is advertised in this undated historical photo.

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155 Years Ago

Born: In Carson, Sept. 14, 1870, to the wife of Louis Ebert, a son.

140 Years Ago

Wayside notes: The cattle dealers of Nevada are making it very warm for cattle thieves, and a good many do not flourish the branding iron so freely as they did.

130 Years Ago

Name the place: The Appeal has received an elaborately printed ticket, good for admission of one lady and gentleman to the ball of the “Hooks and Nicks.” The invitation is in red. The picture indicates that the firemen of some locality are going to trip the light fantastic. There is nothing on the invitation which indicates whether the ball takes place in Eureka, Reno or Virginia (City). We feel that there is some little risk in starting for the scene of the activities until boundary lines of the place is somewhat better defined.

70 Years Ago

Parakeets gain as house pets: Parakeets are rapidly gaining on those popular pets — Rover the pooch and Tabby the cat. Statistics at the International Pet Fair says that Americans now own 6.5 million parakeets. The dog population is 19.6 million and cats, 14.6 million.

60 Years Ago

Photo caption: Liberace comes to Harrah’s Tahoe South Shore room for an engagement through Oct. 11. Fans will be happy to hear of his return to this area.


155 Years Ago

Advertisement: “Dentistry. Dr. Glynn of Placerville, Calif., may be found at his office over Gibson’s “Sazarac” Saloon, where he will be pleased to wait upon all who may desire his services in any line of dentistry. All work done and warranted to give satisfaction. Advice free. Chloroform administrated if desired.”

140 Years Ago

Wayside notes: Mr. John Wagner is in from Bodie and reports that camp as being quite dull.

The Bodie stage was stopped a few nights ago and robbed of a Chinese woman.

130 Years Ago

All sorts: A petition is being circulated in town to procure money “for the purpose of employing a detective to discover and bring to justice the party or parties guilty of causing the recent fires in Yerington.” Over $300 has been subscribed in amounts ranging from $1 to $25. (Tidings)

70 Years Ago

Rare occurrence: A lunar rainbow was seen last night in western Nevada, rare for temperate zones. The rainbow arched from Peavine mountain to the Mount Rose foothills. It was formed by the rising moon projected against the western sky which was full of mist and created a silvery colored rainbow rather than all the colors of the spectrum.

60 Years Ago

Photo caption: Runner-up Kathy Blaikie, Carson City, was chosen runner-up in the Miss Tahoe contest. The local beauty is a student at Carson High School. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Blaikie.



155 Years Ago

All sorts: An inch of snow fell at Treasure Hill in White Pine.

The Orphans’ Home building is completed and the furniture bedding and the like, were being removed thither yesterday.

140 Years Ago

Injuries: John Cheney of the Nevada team was severely injured by the accidental explosion of a cartridge. S.C. Wright was also injured in the eye and had his arm hit by the fragment of a shell.

130 Years Ago

All sorts: It is thought that Fred Dressler’s barn was fired by an incendiary.

Captain Davenport was hit in the mouth by Cigarette Bill. Bill was arrested.

70 Years Ago

Advertisement: “Sky-Vue Drive-In Theatre — ‘The Steele Helmet.’ It’s the real Korean story! Timely as today’s headlines! Also playing ‘Little Bighorn’ with John Ireland and Marie Windsor.”

60 Years Ago

Appeal’s TV guide: “Huckleberry Hound,” “Littlest Hobo,” “49er Highlights,” “2 Thriller,” Checkmate,” Groucho,” and “Movie.”


155 Years Ago

Jaw broken: Charles Baine, teamster, was kicked by a horse, breaking Baine’s jaw, knocking out several teeth and injuring his tongue. He had recently recovered from a broken leg. The injured man has a wife and several children.

140 Years Ago

Sarah Winnemucca, funny things in speech: There were 20 people in the house when Princess Winnemucca came on stage. She shaded her eyes with her hand, laughed and said: “I was looking for the people, they don’t seem to be here.”

She was severe on Indian agents and preachers and stated both had robbed the red men. In her speaking she acted and in one of her pantomime passages she represented a missionary preaching to the Indians, and as he knelt to pray to the Great Spirit, he had one hand lifted up to heaven and the other was rummaging in a money sack… When she finished the prayer, held an imaginary sack by the corners, shook it and scrambled about looking on the floor as if hunting money. This caused additional merriment. “These missionaries and Indian agents are all thieves and frauds, and I may even add in the cruel language of a play I saw in New York where a man said a good many times: “And don’t you forget it.” I heard the used the cruel language in the play. It must be all right to use before an audience here for no one objected to it in New York.

The ludicrousness of the idea brought down the house. Speaking of her Boston experience she said: “When I spoke in Boston my angel mother got up on the platform and began to talk, and I had a hard time to choke that angel mother off.”

130 Years Ago

All sorts: “Groveling before Grover. The Pusillanimous Platform adopted by emasculated California democrats,” is the way the Stockton Mail (Dem.) refers to the document adopted by the Democratic State Convention.

70 Years Ago

McCarthy censure: Senate officials began preparations for a possible recall notice within 48 hours to convene the Senate to act on closure charges against Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy.

60 Years Ago

Top Ten Music: “Where Did Our Love Go,” Supremes; “Everybody Loves Somebody,” Martin; “House of the Rising Sun,” Animals; “A Hard Day’s Night,” Beatles; “Under the Boardwalk,” Drifters …

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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