News & Notes

WNC rock sales pay for endowed scholarship

The Geology Club’s rock, mineral and fossil sale raised more than $1,800, enabling the club to reach its $10,000 scholarship goal for an endowment through WNC Foundation.

The Geology Club’s rock, mineral and fossil sale raised more than $1,800, enabling the club to reach its $10,000 scholarship goal for an endowment through WNC Foundation.

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Professor Winnie Kortemeier has always looked at rocks a bit differently than others. The vast collection that she has curated for the college spills outside the geology classroom at Western Nevada College.

But for a good cause, she will part with some of them — for a price. That virtuous purpose — the rock, mineral and fossil fundraiser — has allowed the Geology Club to swap rocks to educate students well into the future.

For nearly a decade, Kortemeier, who advises the Geology Club, has been presenting the sales in late November or early December to raise money for the scholarship.

The community responded at the most recent sale, which raised over $1,800, enabling the club to reach its $10,000 scholarship goal for an endowment through WNC Foundation.

Those who attended the sale purchased rocks that Kortemeier and her students collected throughout the West. Kortemeier is in her 35th year teaching geology and geography classes at WNC and wants to provide students with opportunities to explore futures in the profession that has made her happy.

To make a donation, or to learn more about the WNC Foundation, call 775-445-3240 or email

Courses available through semester

Open-entry classes allow students to register for a class through the ninth week of the semester and work at their own pace to complete the class.

Late-start/short-term classes provide students with accelerated learning and a shorter time commitment. Many of these remaining classes begin March 24 and end May 17.

Students can view a list of full-term, late start/short-term and open entry classes at Students who aren't yet enrolled at WNC can begin the admission process at

For assistance to become a student at WNC, call 775-445-3277.

Celebrate 35 years of WNMTC productions

Western Nevada Musical Theatre Co. has selected its favorite moments from the past 35 years and has put it all in one show: “Celebrate the Magic.”

Celebrate the theatre's milestone and rekindle memories of "The Phantom of the Opera, "Les Misérables," "Mama Mia!" and more.

WNMTC will present four performances of "Celebrate the Magic" on Feb. 21-23 at the Carson City Community Center.

For best seating, patrons should purchase tickets in advance at Tickets are $25 and $28.

Green Business program internship available

Nevada Green Business Network is seeking WNC student interns to assist the Green Business program coordinator with social media management, graphic design, website maintenance, business outreach and promotion, and contact management.

The internship provides 80 percent of the work remotely and pays $17 per hour for 15 hours per week. Send a resumé to

The deadline to apply is Feb. 28.