155 Years Ago
St. Patrick’s Ball — The Irish citizens of Carson will give a ball on the evening of their Patron Saint’s birthday at Moore & Parker’s Hall. The proceeds will be applied toward building a new Catholic Church in this place.
140 Years Ago
As time nears for the glove match, the excitement grows apace, as the opinion is that it will be worth half a dozen of the first match. Hones’ trainer says he never saw a man in better condition for a business engagement of that kind and a number of Bodieites will be in to back their favorite.
60 Years Ago
Advertisement: Welcome legislators! New Toyotas now in! Toyota Land Cruiser. Nate Helman, manager. 1605 N. Carson St., Carson City.
40 Years Ago
Community standards need to be considered when buildings are approved, and those standards will vary to different parts of the state, City Manager Don Hathaway told a legislative committee Monday.
155 Years Ago
The Carson Mint still lives, notwithstanding all the carvings and innuendoes of its enemies. That it will not be converted into “an assay office” or a foundry, or a smelting furnace, or a lime kiln. A letter from James W. Nye to A. Curry says: “We have just carried the Mint appropriation in the house, all right.”
140 Years Ago
Another old-timer killed. Ellis Drake, an old-timer of Esmeralda County, was killed by a blast in his mine, at Aurora on Wednesday. He was almost 50 years old.
120 Years Ago
The dry goods opening of the Grey, Reid, Wright Co., tomorrow at the store recently occupied by S.B. Cohen has been on every woman’s lips for the past week and every one of them knew by this time that there is to be a slaughter of prices such as Carson never saw before.
60 Years Ago
Gov. Grant Sawyer, presenting a wide front of recommended governmental changes, asked the 1965 legislature today to lower Nevada’s legal voting age to 18.
40 Years Ago
At the movies: Witness, The Flamingo Kid, The Mean Season and Mischief.
155 Years Ago
Shooting at Empire — A row occurred in a Chinese gambling den at Empire City yesterday morning in which a Chinese person was shot through the arm by another Chinese person named Ah Caum. The Chinese snootiest was committed to jail to await an examination before the committing magistrate.
140 Years Ago
Up. In the mountains, west of this city lives Farmer Gipson, a pious old agriculturalist with a high standing collar and long hair. He sometimes drives to town with an anti-diluvian rig, and his odd figure is frequently seen upon the streets. Officer Furlong has had him spotted and by keeping on his trail at all hours saw him making a signal to a squaw to mean he had some whiskey to sell. He caught Gilson the next day. The case is called yesterday and postponed until this afternoon.
120 Years Ago
Representative Belgae, one of the members of the assembly from Esmeralda County is taking a stern stand retaining the courthouse of Esmeralda County at Hawthorne. He says the movement to remove to Goldfield is premature.
60 Years Ago
Conversations around the city council table last night hinged on legislators and dogs, in that order. One topic had nothing to do with the other, of course. For the salons, now in serious session, the problem was of parking privileges. For the dogs, is where to put them when no one is at the dog pound.
40 Years Ago
To start a museum requires skills ranging from the historical perspective of a sage, the fundraising skills of a television preacher, and the collecting in stings of a pack rat. But to the volunteers at the Stewart Indian Museum, it is the realization of a dream which has become Nevada’s only Indian-directed museum in the state open to the public.
Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.