LGA Architecture provided this rendering of the proposed Carson City Adventure Center focusing on outdoor recreation.
Before considering adoption of the Carson City Master Plan update, the Planning Commission on Wednesday will consider a special use permit tied to state efforts to promote outdoor recreation.
The meeting starts 5 p.m. Wednesday in the boardroom of the community center, 851 E. William St.
Planning commissioners will consider a special use permit to set building height and minimum setback requirements for four small buildings totaling 1,458 square feet, a 720-square-foot canopy and 134 square feet of screened outdoor storage for the Carson City Adventure Center on land zoned public at 2180 S. Carson St. within the Nevada State Railroad Museum property.
“The state of Nevada (applicant) is requesting an SUP to establish setbacks and building height limitations for a project located within the public zoning district. Carson City Municipal Code (CCMC) 18.04.187 states that proposed state of Nevada projects with less than 2,500 square feet of building area are permitted. However, CCMC requires an SUP to establish setbacks and height limitations,” according to the agenda.
A staff report says the outdoor recreation hub would be on about .25 acres of the overall railroad museum site.
“The project is intended to promote recreational resources, quality of life, generate tourism interest and revenue, and support outdoor recreation businesses. Public uses such as government facilities are the primary purpose of the public zoning district. While the project will not require building permits since state of Nevada projects are exempt from this requirement, the project has been evaluated for compliance with the standards set forth in Title 18,” the report says. “The project includes improvements contained within the developed footprint of the Railroad Museum which has established access from South Carson Street. The proposed buildings are intended to house up to a total of nine vendors specializing in outdoor recreation. The project is proposed to be built out in a maximum of two phases based upon available funding. Phase 1 would include two buildings, the canopy and accessory outside storage. Phase 2 would include buildout of the remaining two proposed buildings.”
A recommended condition of approval for project states:
“The approval consists of up to four buildings and one canopy totaling 2,178 square feet in size with a maximum building height of 15 feet tall. Accessory outside storage area shall be limited to 134 square feet and be screened by a 100% sight obscuring fence or wall consistent with the approved plans. Building and structure materials must be consistent with the approved plans and shall have a minimum four-foot setback from west property line and minimum 10-foot setback from all other property lines.”
According to the permit application, the project is funded by the Nevada Department of Tourism using a grant from the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration.
“The goals of this project are to promote recreational resources and quality of life, generate tourism revenue, and incubate new outdoor recreation businesses,” reads a project description from LGA Architecture.
After hearing the adventure center, planning commissioners will consider adoption of the Carson City Master Plan update.
The latest draft is available online: https://legistarweb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/attachment/pdf/3159307/MasterPlan_CCNV_AdoptionDraft_Feb2025.pdf.
The draft follows a public workshop Jan. 29 that focused on action items in the plan and a joint meeting Dec. 19 between the Board of Supervisors and planning commissioners that looked at other chapters.
“The existing master plan was adopted in 2006. In October 2023, the city hired the consultant (Clarion Associates) to work with the community to update the plan,” reads a staff report. “Since October 2023, the Planning Commission and the board have conducted numerous meetings to discuss the plan as well as participated in numerous community meetings.”
The commission will review the final draft and “consider adoption of a resolution recommending to the board adoption of the plan,” according to the agenda.